
我是米高,我與太太有一個很懂事的小朋友 - 小狗ThankYou。 曾經放下畫筆30年,疫情下重新開始繪畫,運用原子筆描繪及追憶逝去的孩子,願他繼續帶歡笑給我們。這個帳號是為小狗而開,In memory of our beloved son

Medical Health Link - a free service that can share medical records

My wife has recently fallen ill and is receiving medical treatment in a public hospital, but there is always a day when she will be discharged. However, a stroke is a long-term rehabilitation disease. First, it is impossible for her to be treated in a public hospital for a long time. Second, in the future long-term rehabilitation process, she will also need Find a suitable private doctor for follow-up rehabilitation.

When I was looking for the opinions of netizens, the netizens suggested that I register with "Medical Health Link", which said that it recorded all the medical records of my wife's hospitalization in a public hospital. @_@ why I don't know anything??

It turns out that this project only requires the patient or family members to be authorized to register, and then the patient's record can be obtained through the online platform. In addition, it is even possible to authorize private doctors or medical clinics to view the patient's past medical records.

When I first entered the site, I felt at times lost because there seemed to be too much information:


When entering for the first time, if it can be simple, such as a button, an introduction video. That would be better. Everyone always "comes here" or "comes in need". When my wife first asked me if I had completed the registration for Medicare, I replied, "I need to read it first, there is too much information."

In fact, the entrance of the website is simpler than many entry-level websites, but the medical project is very professional and it is closely related to the life of the patient. I am afraid that the registration process will be wrong, so I will take it step by step. If it can be as simple as the entrance of FACEBOOK / IG, etc., and there is only one goal after entering the homepage of the website, that is, registration, it will be more convenient for those who rarely contact information technology.

I myself took a day to register because I was afraid of making a mistake.

I appreciate the whole registration process, because it is simple and fast, I only need to choose whether I am "the patient" or "the patient's family", and then the registration can be started.

I choose "Online Registration":

There are only three steps in the entire registration process, and the last step is to "in-person identity verification" at different service stations:

After completing the "identity verification", the service can be officially activated. "In-person verification" may seem a bit outdated, but a patient's medical records are really important and private information, and it is indeed a bit dangerous if they cannot be verified in person or with authorization.

However, in the part of verifying the identity of the family, it is still very easy for people with "bad intentions" to maliciously "play the family" to use the registration.

This service is quite good, but it is a difficult balance in the "registration on behalf of family members". The verification process is too strict, and it will trouble some family members of patients who are "unable to take care of themselves" or "comatose"; If it is simple, it is easy for "malicious family members" or "mischievous" people to take advantage of the "kindness of making this system" to obtain the private pathological data of some patients.

The last step, "Verification of Identity", I will go to the hospital's medical record registration station to confirm the verification tomorrow, so I can experience the final verification process in person.

More than 1.3 million people have registered for this service, and more than 2,000 medical institutions and nearly 50,000 medical staff have been exchanged.

This service is very useful for patients who need long-term treatment and who need to be transferred to a hospital, especially for patients who lack self-care ability or are in a coma. During the treatment period, when the family wants to find a suitable private hospital or private doctor for the patient, it can be saved. Many medical record applications and submission times are quite convenient and useful.

Such a good service, I only know now.


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