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Famous quotes from "Jay's Running Notes"

Famous quotes from " Jay 's Running Notes"

Running is a kind of practice, and the purpose of practice is not to meet gods and Buddhas, but to meet a better version of yourself.

Mindless relaxation will not make you feel more relaxed. Going out to exercise and sweating can often make you feel better. The problem is always there anyway, so it is better to secrete some endorphins and concentrate your thoughts to deal with it.

Having someone to run with is psychological support.

In a marathon, you must concentrate your mind to maintain your running posture and persevere to the end.

What is your original intention for running? Health, lose weight, exercise your mind! As long as you find fun in it, it has nothing to do with others.

The six major cities in the world: Boston, New York, Chicago, London, Berlin, Tokyo

The most important thing in a runner's life is balance. To me, "Balance is actually about making choices. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. Wherever you put your time, your achievements will probably be there."

Because I like running

1. You must have a plan and direction that you can follow willingly and consistently throughout the year.

2. It requires considerable time and effort

3. Avoid overtraining and analyze objectively

4. Focus your best on the really important events

5. Control the frequency of gatherings and enjoyment so that your body, mind and soul can get better rest.

6. Exercise moderation in your diet to help your body recover.

Instead of "staying up late with revenge", change it to "positive morning training"

Put the important things at the beginning of the day. The good news is that no matter how bad the rest of the day is, at least one big thing will be accomplished.

The Boston Marathon was full of ups and downs and pain due to the weather, but it was great to be able to persevere until the very end. Meet your better self at the end.

What is antifragility? your body, mind

Human beings are a group of anti-fragile creatures. Only by deliberately leaving their comfort zone and exposing themselves to a certain degree of risk and variation can they be stimulated to grow and have the opportunity to become stronger.

No one is relaxed after 35K

No one can share my pain, I still have to rely on myself after all

During the marathon, the natural protective mechanism "stops" when the body exceeds its limit, but deep down I remind you "never stop. Once you start walking, you can't run again."

Stick to it and be honest with yourself

You tried.

You didn't make it.

And you try again.

Ordinary and ordinary, I still have the right to work hard.

This process is not to prove how special you are, but to continue to believe that your efforts are valuable.

Core value is what others exchange with you. In the end, what you are not willing to exchange is core value.

The core value of running is to run for 5 , 10 or even more years for health and fun, enjoy the process and continue to make progress.

first time runner

Start by establishing an exercise habit of brisk walking three times a week. When you get used to this rhythm, you can add a 1:1 ratio of jogging to brisk walking , such as jogging for 10 minutes and walking briskly for 10 minutes, repeating the cycle, and finally reach the goal of jogging for 30 to 40 minutes in a single session . In this process, in addition to weight loss, it will also be accompanied by an increase in cardiorespiratory capacity and muscle strength.

You don't need to wait until you get to a suitable weight before starting. Instead, training at a reasonable intensity within a reasonable limit will be very helpful for improving your overall physical strength.

The relationship between weight loss and running is that the fish helps the water and the water helps the fish. Running can help you lose weight, and when you lose weight, you become lighter and can run better.

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