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Cryptocurrencies | Crypto Fees, Stakers.info, Money Movers… Track blockchain project data

The Crypto Fees https://cryptofees.info/ website was introduced by Osmosis Sunny. It is very interesting. You can see how much fees the blockchain project charges every day (of course, this should not be split among various stakeholders such as validators and of the principal).

Osmosis received USD 27,000 yesterday, an average of USD 30,000 on the 7th, 30,000 in a month x 30 days = USD 900,000 or HKD or HKD 7 million, wow!

You can also connect to other websites on the same website, such as Stakers.info https://stakers.info/ to view validator numbers.

Follow Money Movers https://money-movers.info/ for Ethereum and Bitcoin flows.

Check out ETH Burned https://ethburned.info/ for ETH burns.

Through Crypto Fees, you can also connect to other different things. Since these data span different ecosystems, it should be a useful set of tools for friends who want to compare different chains. If you have time, you may wish to play and have a look.


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