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Osmosis Liquidity Mining | Wosmos NFTs Details Announced

In order to attract you to trade, Dr. is doing everything he can to attract you. He has always said that the NFT game that will be launched finally has some information :

Daily, weekly and one-time quests allow players to earn non-tradable in-game currency: Wos/Dex (tentative name).

To complete missions, players need to use Osmosis features, including, trading, delegation, voting, and more. In short, there are rewards for using Osmosis.

Players can use in-game currency to receive blind boxes containing a variety of random items, including items and accessories to make your character gorgeous and unique, crafting elements and Slimes (what the heck)!

After completing the task, players can enter the laboratory to craft and unlock accessories. And it takes trial and error to find combinations (presumably like Tamagochi).

The Lab has a simple crafting interface for upgrading accessories to higher rarities, turning items back into Wos, mixing slimes with items or other slimes, and discovering many more different menus.

Blind Box • Can be crafted with in-game currency.
• Random Content: Accessories (6 Slots: Body, Clothes, Goggles, Mouth, Hair, Accessories)
• Slime!
• Synthetic (4 rarities, can be exchanged for any item of the same rarity in the lab)

🧪 Complete missions 🧪 Get game currency 🧪 Get blind boxes 🧪 Get items/trade/make 🧪Equipment avatars 🧪 Get Mixin!
🧪 Fkn Send It!

Using the game to keep everyone with DEX is really a trick, but it will only be known if it is effective or not. The official said that after a while, you can publish an article in Medium and recruit Beta players, looking forward to ing!


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