
「𣎴去糾正觀點不同的人,克制自己的反駁慾,是情商最高的行為」 自封 LikeCoin 後援會頭號會員及會長、高重建盲粉、元祖讚賞公民2019年1月1日加入。 所撰寫之內容不歡迎任何人以任何方式截圖分發,斷章取義,斥責不雅,敬請自重。除非 tag 我或關聯文章,否則不予回應。

Osmosis Liquidity Mining | Upgrade Tonight Don't Worry You Scam


The garbage fishing motion has reached the unbearable place. Osmosis has successively sent to 289-292, 297-298, and 300 after motion 283-285 , all of which are scams. To this end, Osmosis has passed Motion 296 to be upgraded tonight at 1200 HKT 0000 UTC. The upgrade, codenamed Scambuster, for Osmosis version 11, includes:

  • Crafting a Liquidity Gauge ( Guage ) requires 50 OSMO and adding it requires 25 OSMO.
  • The wallet that submits the proposal must have a certain amount of deposits in the deposit, and set the minimum governance modifier min_initial_deposit_percent to 25%.

At present, the Cosmos blockchain proposals that are known to be scammed include Juno proposal 33-34, Chihuahua 26-27 , Stargaze 38, etc. It is believed that these chains will make moves one after another to deal with the disorderly scam situation.

Some people will say, watching it is a scam, I will never click, I will not be so stupid. But there are still many newbies in the world (who will pick up the goods for you if there are no newbies!?) , and there are also many people who don't read it so carefully or just click on it intuitively. Don’t think that you understand or that you can keep up with the news of the currency circle, so you despise others who read Chinese and write Chinese. There are still many people who want to understand cryptocurrencies. Just because you understand your prestige doesn’t mean that others don’t need to understand. It’s better to be humble. Some kind of compassion.


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