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Chihuahua Coins | Motions 26, 27 Fake, heavy eye karma!

Since it was like this last night, and then started to repair it later, I will write it quickly this morning.

Chihuahua's latest 26/27 motion is fake, and it's putting poisonous links again, it's really DLLM (friends who don't understand continue to understand). Motion 27 still says "New ATOM Token Airdrop", which is clearly deceiving ignorant humans.

God, Osmosis is such a Chihuahua and this is really bad. Even if Motion 25 to increase the margin has been passed, these two motions still cannot be "handled" during the deposit deposit stage, and there is a real chance that "Xinzai" will click the link.

If those bad people really take a fancy to the Cosmos community and keep doing things, they will really need to wake up 12 points when they trade in the future.

Chihuahua series

Chihuahua coins, entrusted to the code farmer
Chihuahua | Evil validators manipulate events? Chihuahua about to cry?

Chihuahua Coin | Truly decentralized, justice airdrop that helps the weak

Chihuahua Coin | Hoe the Strong and Help the Weak Airdrop Delegation Strategy

Chihuahua Coins | From Proposal 6 Hori can export $LUNA $OSMO LP Reward records to the stake.tax site

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 7: Make KOL the spokesperson?

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 8: The Chihuahua Metaverse Strikes

Chihuahua | Proposal 9: Guided Proposal AWSM x HUAHU

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 10: Guided Proposal, Chihuahua Incentive is coming again!

Chihuahua | Proposition 11 Change Inflation Rate, Proposition 12 Collaborate with Elon Musk 🤣

Chihuahua Coins | Proposal 13: Chihuahua Community DAO Season 2 and 3 Fees

Chihuahua Coins | HUAHUAPOT The jackpot game begins!

Chihuahua Coins | Proposal 15 to increase the security deposit, Proposal 16 to force the palace

Chihuahua Coins | NodeJumper Dashboard, Motion 17 Delegated to Another Software
Chihuahua | Proposal 18 Gas Fee Adjusted, Proposal 19 Lower Inflation
Chihuahua Coin | Continued discussion on proposals 20-22, proposal 23 to be upgraded
Chihuahua | Proposal 24 Burn the remaining $HUAHUA from the airdrop
Chihuahua | Proposal 25 Increase Proposal Deposit


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