
「𣎴去糾正觀點不同的人,克制自己的反駁慾,是情商最高的行為」 自封 LikeCoin 後援會頭號會員及會長、高重建盲粉、元祖讚賞公民2019年1月1日加入。 所撰寫之內容不歡迎任何人以任何方式截圖分發,斷章取義,斥責不雅,敬請自重。除非 tag 我或關聯文章,否則不予回應。

Bostrom | Proposals are so annoying

The Bostrom airdrop introduced earlier said to gather 100,000 wallet addresses to register, but so far only 6,342 wallet addresses have been registered. Don't everyone in Cosmos love airdrops? Why is progress so slow?

It turns out that in different meetings, there are proposals for "Gift to Ethereum stakeholders", which are full of promotions - Bostrom, including:

  • Osmosis Motion 27
  • Juno Motion 30
  • Cosmos Motion 73
  • Evmos Motion 38

There must be something I haven't found yet.

To a certain extent, the current currency price is low, so the deposit requirement for the proposal has also become lower, but that does not mean that the proposal can be abused for its own promotion? !

The result of the chaos is GG. I really want to say Cantonese: "I really congratulate you!"


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