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JUNO | Gelotto $GLTO Air Throw


The Gelotto IBC Lottery airdrop introduced last time is here! The snapshot was taken from June 10th to 15th, 2022. If the requirements are high, you need to entrust 1,000 STARS, 100 OSMO, 100 SCRT, 50 JUNO, 50 ATOM, 0.5 NETA Keke. For more qualification details, please see here , and I There will be no more copies.

However, there is no place to sell it yet. However, it seems that everyone is also excited. Maybe there has not been a large airdrop for a long time? Some users say that you can get 10,000 $GLTO by delegating 0.5 $NETA . If the price is $1 when it is listed, he will fat fat.

The collection time is more than 20 hours in eight days. Eligible friends should seize the opportunity. Don't miss it when you pass by.


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