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Chihuahua Coins | HUAHUAPOT The jackpot game begins!

Chihuahua's latest creation, HUAHUAPOT, is officially launched! The website is http://huahuapot.wtf/ , and there are two versions of PIXEL and NEO.

The first pot of gold starts with 200,000 $HUAHUA!

Three steps to play:

  1. Go into
  2. Drop 1,000 HUAHUA or more HUAHUA first
  3. wait for payouts

It's that simple.

Official introduction

Thank you for joining HUAHUAPOT! Let's get straight to the point: HOW DO YOU WIN HUAHUAPOT? Short answer: be the last person to buy a ticket. How to do it? Let's explain it!

  1. Your Tickets: You enter the game by purchasing a ticket, and when you join, your address will be registered at the top of the Last players "Last Player" list, making you a potential winner of the current HUAHUAPOT. 🥳
  2. NOTE: The counter steadily increases to 100%, while everyone who buys a ticket resets the blocks needed to win and extends the time it takes to reach 100%. 😱
  3. It's a waiting game: it's time to strategize. You can buy any number of tickets. The goal is again to be the last one to buy a ticket and win HUAHUAPOT! 🏆

It's easy, right?

If you have any questions or feedback, please enjoy the game and contact us (email or Discord channel)!

HUAHUAPOT (big winner at the end!)

How to win HUAHUA? Every time a user buys a ticket, his/her address will be registered as a chance winner and the winning block will be incremented by 100.

If no one buys tickets within the winning block, the game will end and HUAHUAPOT will be teleported to the last player within a few hours.

Example: Alice buys her tickets at block 1725802, her wallet address will be registered as a chance winner, and the winning block is increased by 100 to become block 1725902.

Bob buys a ticket at block 1725897 to become the new winner, the winning block is incremented and becomes block 1725997.

If no one else plays, Bob will win HUAHUAPOT at block 1725997 and he will receive HUAHUAPOT.

(How many seconds is each block in Chihuahua? LikeCoin is about 6-7 seconds.)

boring tech

Q: How to confirm the winner?

A: The winner is the last player to buy a ticket before the winning time expires.

Q: If I buy more tickets, will I have a better chance of winning?

A: No, it is important that the last person to buy just reaches the winning deadline.

Q: If there are multiple transactions in the same block, how to confirm the last player?

A: The highest timestamp wins. If multiple transactions have the same timestamp, the winner will use Python to sort the transaction ID to select the winner.

In short, pay the money, and then look at this BAR with golden eyes. Or, wait until the end to pay.

Up to now, 289,000 HUAHUA have been deposited.

Chihuahua series

Chihuahua coins, entrusted to the code farmer

Chihuahua | Evil validators manipulate events? Chihuahua about to cry?

Chihuahua Coin | Truly decentralized, justice airdrop that helps the weak

Chihuahua Coin | Hoe the Strong and Help the Weak Airdrop Delegation Strategy

Chihuahua Coins | From Proposal 6 Hori can export $LUNA $OSMO LP Reward records to the stake.tax site

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 7: Make KOL the spokesperson?

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 8: The Chihuahua Metaverse Strikes

Chihuahua | Proposal 9: Guided Proposal AWSM x HUAHU

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 10: Guided Proposal, Chihuahua Incentive is coming again!

Chihuahua | Proposition 11 Change Inflation Rate, Proposition 12 Collaborate with Elon Musk 🤣

Chihuahua Coins | Proposal 12: Chihuahua Community DAO Season 2 and 3 Fees


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