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Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 10: Guided Proposal, Chihuahua Incentive is coming again!

Chihuahua introduced Motion 10, which reads:

By voting in favor of the proposal, Chihuahua principals expressed their support for providing incentives in Osmosis's liquidity pool 663 HUAHUA/UST.

This proposal was proposed by@FarmerL, so it is clearest for him to analyze it, but looking back at the past, the current HUAHUA pools in Osmosis are:

1. 605 HUAHUA/OSMO and 606 ATOM/HUAHUA became incentive pools through Osmosis Proposal 109 last December.

An additional 16,666,666 HUAHUA per pool per day is equivalent to $130,000 in external incentives. After that, the external incentives will be provided through Osmosis Proposal 126 on January 22 to match the internal $OSMO rewards.

2. After that, 658 CRBRUS/HUAHUA and 663 HUAHUA/UST appeared, both of which are just liquidity pools without incentives.

As mentioned above, 663 does not have an OSMO biological child. Even if Chihuahua can provide external incentives to win $OSMO internal rewards through OK this time, will the Osmosis community compromise so easily? In fact, I have seen some voices saying why they gave HUAHUA incentives in the first place. It is clearly useless Coins, etc. So even if the Chihuahua community intends to provide external incentives, whether the Osmosis community is so easy to settle depends on the next step. How did the play go.

Chihuahua series

Chihuahua coins, entrusted to the code farmer

Chihuahua | Evil validators manipulate events? Chihuahua about to cry?

Chihuahua Coin | Truly decentralized, justice airdrop that helps the weak

Chihuahua Coin | Hoe the Strong and Help the Weak Airdrop Delegation Strategy

Chihuahua Coins | From Proposal 6 Hori can export $LUNA $OSMO LP Reward records to the stake.tax site

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 7: Make KOL the spokesperson?

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 8: The Chihuahua Metaverse Strikes

Chihuahua | Proposal 9: Guided Proposal AWSM x HUAHU


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