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Chihuahua | Proposal 9: Guided Proposal AWSM x HUAHU

Chihuahuas are busy with a lot of movements. After the Metaverse of Motion 8 was passed, Motion 9 came to sell merchandise. The content is as follows:

Supporting Secret Network's first internal DAO funding collaboration with AWSM on behalf of Chihuahua stakeholders by voting yes on the motion.

What the hell is AWSM?

AWSM is the first NFT/merchandise tandem platform, the entire collection can be found at Stashh.io , and they are selling Secret Network items.

what the motion does

@FarmerL often follows up on proposals at Commonwealth, he writes more detailed than I do, so I won't go into details, and I strongly recommend that you go to his house to read the article. But if you want a simple understanding, this proposal is to cooperate with Chihuahua and AWSM to launch 100 projects that can mint NFT + provide physical Tee goods. In addition, they will also mint an additional 150 HUAWSM Galaxy NFTs.

In fact, Motion Chihuahua started with Motion 6 stake.tax tax declaration network . It feels like different projects keep trying to get a share of the Chihuahua ecosystem. Well, of course, there is something about this coin "doing it", which is better than stopping it, but I am also a little worried about things like NFTs. Will the craze have subsided if it is done? After all, so many new things appear every day... But if this project can help open source Chihuahua, for example, when selling clothes, it can distribute some of the profits to the community pool, it is not bad.

For any project that can help development, I absolutely agree, but can you make something with a higher value? The HUAWSM schematic isn't cute at all (in my opinion), so I'll abstain.

Chihuahua series

Chihuahua coins, entrusted to the code farmer

Chihuahua | Evil validators manipulate events? Chihuahua about to cry?

Chihuahua Coin | Truly decentralized, justice airdrop that helps the weak

Chihuahua Coin | Hoe the Strong and Help the Weak Airdrop Delegation Strategy

Chihuahua Coins | From Proposal 6 Hori can export $LUNA $OSMO LP Reward records to the stake.tax site

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 7: Make KOL the spokesperson?

Chihuahua Coin | Proposal 8: The Chihuahua Metaverse Strikes


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