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Chihuahua Coin | Truly decentralized, justice airdrop that helps the weak

After two days of letting go, I've had my say (hopefully), and it's time to get back on track. Good news for seeing Chihuahuas early this morning:

It is said that there was a Chihuahua validator Jabbey who engaged in private airdrops. Basically, @PikachuEXE 's article on Chihuahua Coin ($HUAHUA) validators holding personal airdrops has explained the basic qualifications of airdrops. If you only come now and start holding them Chihuahuas won't qualify either, as you must have $HUAHUA by midnight UTC on February 1st to transfer funds to meet the ultimate airdrop requirement. However, if you already own some $HUAHUA, you may wish to deal with it or increase your holdings to make yourself eligible.

In fact, Jabbey aims to encourage the community to become more decentralized, very well-intentioned and powerful. Because of the suspected evil validator manipulation incident earlier, this airdrop mainly encourages everyone to transfer their stakes to the validators ranked 21-100 instead of focusing on the top validators. He also provides a way of choosing a validator:

  • Run reliable facilities with high (> 99%) uptime
  • Charge a reasonable commission of 5–10%
  • Actively participate in governance
  • Click on validators to learn about their product, what makes them different? Are they actively participating in the community? There is no need to rush into a decision as you will have a lot of time to make a choice.

As long as you allocate funds at midnight UTC on March 1, you can wait for the airdrop! And the new Chihuahua No. 4 proposal proposes to withdraw 5,000,000 $HUAHUA from the community pool to invest in this event. Jabbey responded a lot, and others also put money into the reward pool. The address is https://www.mintscan.io/chihuahua /account/chihuahua1vf2cwmapd77tsxewd04s66deu4t4jn5zf76lmw , there are currently 3,100,420.690000 $HUAHUA inside, worth $14,976.76. The more people provide rewards, the more people will get airdrops, and in the end there may be more than 2,000 wallet addresses that can get airdrops.

And the previous @FarmerL SF RES Land node was rescued from evil and re-launched, plus this event, I want to say that the Chihuahuas are really super loving and super decentralized, I am really completely I won't call it no more money for the three small roads. I am very moved to help the weak in this way instead of fighting and killing for selfish interests.

If you have entrusted Chihuahua, please vote as soon as possible. You are also encouraged to entrust to the nodes of @FarmerL and @CODENong daily . In addition, the silent node also helps many people in the Chihuahua Chinese community. If you don't know which one to choose. Three nodes can choose them like this.

Chihuahua series

Chihuahua coins, entrusted to the code farmer

Chihuahua | Evil validators manipulate events? Chihuahua about to cry?


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