
記錄生活 喜歡就看 不喜歡就算了 我很矛盾,幹啥都是 我並不同意你的觀點,還會翻白眼,但是我誓死捍衛你說話的權利。 有任何事情要連繫我,歡迎來信contradictory20210706@gmail.com

【Girl's Today】Day40

Said a lot of miscellaneous things

Hahaha, I'm so happy~~ I kidnapped my sister into Matt City today. He likes to write articles and novels. I don't like reading, I only like playing video games. My mother was very distressed, so I suggested my sister to come to Matt City to write an article. Sure enough, an article consumes a lot of his time, and this is his interest, he is willing to The experience is in writing, which greatly reduces the time he spends playing games. Can I find a win-win solution for my mom and my sister, and also promote the prosperity of Matt City~~

As for who he is, it depends on whether he is willing to admit to me or not. If not, I will leave it to everyone to guess~~

Today, I have drawn up the draft of the charitable activities mentioned above, and the detailed information will be announced later. Currently, I will learn from the egg yolk cake project of@鳳pens Broad Noodles , and raise money from everyone in the form of food. According to the possibility of realizing likecoin transactions, the source of the idea: @Code Farmer's Daily Big Things-LiCode Farmer's Daily-"Chat" to talk about why clap is profitable?

Since everyone should have eaten a lot of mooncakes recently, I decided to postpone the event date a little bit, about the double tenth holiday is going on, is it a fan-friendly, so that everyone can continue to have delicious food~ (hehe!! It’s definitely not me being lazy or my family The reason for the broken refrigerator)

The current plan is roughly as follows:

Because the production process is very cumbersome, this time only about 10-15 boxes (6 pieces per box) will be provided. Participation order: Those who have participated in the drifting book project α team, the member recruitment will be given priority, and then the person who can hand in Taichung will be the second. order, and finally open to everyone who has followed me to participate.

Please wait for my detailed announcement for other information!! (I won't make you wait too long~)

Next, I want to ask everyone, do you have any recommendations for microwave food in convenience supermarkets~ I only have supermarkets near my work office, and I don’t know what to invite for lunch!! As for why you don’t bring your own bento, because my refrigerator is broken , there is no way to freeze the bento!! The refrigerator will not come until the end of the month~

...................................................... ...................................................... .................2021/09/18 Contradictory girl


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