
YO~~ 剛跨入AI人工智慧領域的小小工程師, 熱愛自學, 熱愛分享, 下班後的我想為自己Coding, 積極撰寫教學文, 想將自學的程式知識分享給大家, 不斷追求進步的自己, 希望有一天能回饋社會,幫助需要幫助的人, 如果您有什麼很酷的想法,也覺得我還行,歡迎您找我合作~~ IG: https://www.instagram.com/coding_4_me/

2021-08-07Life Record- I auditioned a business analyst course on a whim- Opened my imagination of Business Analysis- Experience

This matter will start from one night this week, I start thinking about my life as usual (is it boring xd), and then all of a sudden, I saw a job title called BA business analyst on LinkedIn, at that time holding Anyway, if you are bored, you can take a look at the content of the work. Take a look at Amazing. Some of the work content is of great interest to me, and it can still be applied to the data analysis, data visualization, Machine Learning and other AI that I am also very interested in. technology, and then he will put forward some business proposals for the market and make some decisions on the direction of the company, which I think is very cool

Photographer: Lisa, Link: Pexels

Out of curiosity, I wanted to know more about BA, so I started looking for relevant information on the Internet, and also wanted to see if there were any courses for him to listen to, so there is today's online audition meeting xd

After listening to the whole audition, I understood the positioning of BA in the company. Although everyone knows that each company may have different positioning for each position XD, but I have a general understanding of the company's expectations for business analysts, which has ignited. In my heart, I want to learn more about BA knowledge. I feel that regardless of whether I become a BA in the end, I feel that taking this course and learning some professional skills of BA will be good for my life. There is a saying that learning must be done. It's a good thing (is that so XD)

Today, in addition to understanding the business analyst's job content and company positioning, the main thing I want to know is what the BA is responsible for:

  1. Find business opportunities
  2. find stakeholders
  3. Functional Requirements: Product Features
  4. Non-Functional Requirements: Environmental Conditions
  5. Shift needs: current status to future status

Small note: Functional Requests are for the nature of the products we provide, not for functional requirements. Non Functional Requests are for the environmental needs of supporting products when providing products, such as if we have a product that sells diet pills xd, and Diet pills themselves are Functional Requests, and we set up a website to place related product videos, and we must hope that these videos or the entire website will not crash, and they should be smooth and safe to use. The environment for these products is called For Non Functional Requests, they are equally important!!

Recently, I have made some plans for myself, so I may decide to take the next level of courses!! I will record it here, and I hope that in three months, I will not forget what I said today, that is, it takes half Force yourself to learn BA related knowledge XD Try different opportunities to be more sure of what you want, give yourself more opportunities to grow, learn, and finally don't regret any decision you have made, just do it hard a good decision


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