
【背景】住泰國的台灣人,時常被不同文化衝擊著我的內心。 【生活】在異國養育小孩,紀錄與孩子鬥智或教養心得。 【學習】學泰文的痛苦之路,蝌蚪文真的很考驗我的記憶。 【提升】開始理解接納自我,內省或挖掘深層情緒的過程。

Thai Grilled Sausage--My Thai Daily Life

Have you ever been to Thailand to buy a roadside sausage stand? Watching the sausage stand parked on the side of the road, a mixture of dust, car exhaust, and the thick smoke of poor charcoal. Many people are full of doubts about food safety and dare not try it. Friends who dare to try new things eat a bite but...

Taiwanese are used to eating delicious sausages that are salty and sweet. Therefore, after taking a bite of Thai sausage with such food memory, the strange sour taste immediately exploded, and the whole face wrinkled into a ball, "This sausage is sour!", unable to eat any more, or had to drum up. Take the courage to take another bite.

The stuffing of Thai sausage is more than just pork and salt. First mash the spices and mix them into the curry to taste, then stir evenly with the ground pork, and add winter noodles or a small amount of rice. Most shops have a slightly sour taste. After roasting, a bite of sausage and a bite of green peppers are sour, spicy, and very lively.

Although I do not reject Thai sausages, the sausages at roadside sausage stalls have been exposed to the scorching sun for a long time, and I don’t know how much dust and car exhaust have been added to them, so I only buy them occasionally.

When I was visiting the traditional market today, I found a new sausage boy. The sausage stall displayed twice the size of ordinary sausages. Buy a sausage and try it.

Wow~ It's unexpectedly delicious. Apart from the lack of sourness, my brother highly recommends eating it with pickled ginger and cabbage. If you like spicy, add a green chili.
I like this kind of mix and match~~ Not only does the sausage get rid of the greasy, but the whole upup is refreshing!

Young man at sausage stand in Thai traditional market
Like a giant hot dog
The white and transparent part of the sausage is winter noodles, pickled ginger and raw Korean make the sausage more refreshing


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