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Cat Diary2021-08-16

Weather: Sporadic thunderstorm / temperature 26°C~34°C
fresh fish~
Dedicated service, boneless fresh fish!

delicious (snoring) delicious (snoring)~
I like to eat fresh fish the most (Can I eat this kind of fish every day?
Even better than a jar!

Woke up by the sun this morning...it's too hot~~
I spent two days on holiday (to the point where I didn’t have the strength to write community activities XD), and I have to go to work again QQ
Recently, I have been obviously busy at work (no way, the debt owed to work from home has not been repaid...)
I really want to continue working from home (I don't want an outbreak... I want to work from home without an outbreak XD)
So take the holidays off, community events...I'll try again next week...

If the cat is eating the food that she can usually eat... it will just bury her head and eat it, and will not purr, but if she eats the food she likes, she will purr and eat, and it will keep on eating. Talking...felt super healing ฅ(>ω<*)ฅ while feeding her

Finally, let's betray the cat. XD



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