聲歷其境 All Around You
聲歷其境 All Around You

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【Bitch must please】Interview: AV actress agent Kenny

Is there an AV actress agent in Taiwan? Kenny, an AV actress agent who is a former Lollipop Boy, came to the show with his story and chatted with the bitch about the AV industry. Kenny, who has been in the AV industry in Japan, not only observed the cultural and industrial differences between Taiwan and Japan, but also generously shared his views on the AV business. When asked why he stepped into the AV industry, Kenny was full of story tension. His life experience made the bitch even sigh: "It seems that no one can really rob you of this business."
EP78 | Taiwan has this occupation? AV actress manager Kenny reveals the secrets of the porn industry!

The big reveal of the AV industry, is it legal in Taiwan? How is the salary calculated?

"Taiwan actually has a career as an AV actress agent?" What makes the bitch unbelievable is more than that, because this special guest is actually Kenny, a former Lollipop Boys member. At the beginning of the show, Kenny bluntly stated that the AV industry in Taiwan is still in a very ambiguous stage in recent years. Taipei Main Station and other well-known landmarks, so it is impossible to prove that the behavior took place in Taiwan. This part is still difficult to handle in China. For example, someone filmed the Magic Mirror in Zara in the East District and made news because the signs were too obvious. When the news is up and down, the government will step in. "Actually now, as long as there are no bundling plots, it is theoretically possible to film in Taiwan, but the rules are so complicated that it is really difficult for you to follow them when filming." Kenny added that although there are still many restrictions, in fact There are also A-film content produced and broadcast in Taiwan on the specific channel of the mod.

When asked how the remuneration of male and female actresses is calculated, Kenny expressed a little embarrassed that she can't reveal too detailed the calculation method of remuneration, but can give a simple example, if an actress receives four films a month, the monthly income is at least There will be six figures. Regarding actresses who choose to make films for a living, Kenny also said that everyone's situation is different, so she will not ask too much. As long as the other party has the will and confirms that the other party's qualifications and physical conditions are suitable, they will start working with the film. Business coordination, one shooting is one day, and the money is collected on the spot after the shooting. The operation method is actually not complicated.

The psychological state of porn workers at the shooting site? How to balance professional work and personal life?

After listening to Kenny's sharing, the bitch also talked about her past experience of going to Thailand to watch related performances, "At that time, the boys in the audience were so excited, but the bodyguards at the scene were like teachers in class, and they looked boring to death. ." Regarding Kenny's special professional characteristics, the bitch was also very confused about what was going on in Kenny's mind, who was witnessing everything at the moment of filming? Kenny smiled bitterly after hearing this question, and said frankly that at the moment of filming, it is not as simple as just watching the actors "do", but also taking a seat and observing whether the expressions and reactions of the actors are in place. As a broker, I mainly focus on technical points, and there will not be too many personal emotions. No matter which industry you are in, if you want to achieve a balance between work and private life, you must change your way of thinking. For example, singers also go to sing in private, and bartenders also go to drink after get off work. Contrary to the male actors on the set, being sensible at work is what he needs to do most, and he will not have a relationship other than a work partner with an actress.

At present, the number of full-time AV actress agents in Taiwan is less than 100. Because the industry circle is not large, everyone basically knows each other with filmmakers. In addition, due to the impact of the epidemic at the beginning of last year, Kenny, who originally ran the Japanese line Unable to fly to Japan to work, due to fate, I started to expand some contacts in Taiwan and found many comedians with good acting skills. Kenny said that when filming on the scene, the actor's current mood may not be happy, but he wants to let the audience. I feel that the actor is enjoying the moment, so the psychological quality of the actor is very important at this time. In the past, he specialized in making female A-movies in Japan, and he shared the bitterness of male actors on the set. A dozen or 20 people, male actors who can still enter the situation under such circumstances, in addition to being dedicated, are experts who are really born to eat this line of food.

In the face of private contacts, the bitch also curiously asked how Kenny would introduce her career to the girl she liked. Kenny did not change her direct way of speaking, and said confidently, "I will directly say that I am shooting an A movie. Eh. And it’s really common people, you may never meet someone like me in this career.” Talking about his personal life in the AV industry, Kenny also said that it really depends on the individual, he privately Life is actually very simple, because I don't go out very often, so I stay at home except for work, and what's interesting is that watching A-movies may be a pastime for others, but for him, watching A-movies in his rest time is work. Although the shooting process was not as easy as everyone imagined, there are actually many interesting things. For example, the most taboo thing in shooting is to interrupt the emotions of the actors, so I will discuss the camera position with the director and the photographer before shooting, in order to make the editing smooth. , there are always two or three cameras shooting at the scene. As for when to switch camera positions, the photographers will personally go off the scene to simulate before shooting, and coordinate how to shoot better. These are all for Kenny on the shooting studio It was very interesting and unforgettable.

The atmosphere in Taiwan and Japan is very different. How can I make money by shooting A-movies in Taiwan?

Talking about the opportunity to enter the AV industry, everything started from an adult exhibition site. At that time, Kenny, who was a staff member, became friends with a male actor by accident. After the exhibition, he flew to Japan to find each other to play. , After this back-and-forth exchange, Kenny, who was a curator, had a preliminary understanding of the industry. After a few special job opportunities, he began to step into the AV industry in Japan. The reason for Taiwan is that all the filming work in Japan was suspended due to the epidemic, so Kenny came back to Taiwan. In addition, there happened to be related opportunities, and it happened that some work experience accumulated in Japan could be used. Useful, let him start to expand the AV business in Taiwan.

The wonderful experience also made the bitch say: "It's the blue ocean! It seems that no one can really rob you of this business." However, although it is said that it is returning to Taiwan to develop, based on Taiwan's current legal restrictions, and the overall culture The issue with ecology (no Taiwanese men will watch genuine A films) also made Kenny feel the gap between the entire industry in Taiwan and Japan. Kenny also said that most of the money in Taiwan depends on sponsorship. Earning revenue through Internet dissemination and advertising benefits, or distributing peripheral products related to actresses, compared to selling genuine videos in Japan, the main monetization method in Taiwan is to sell sex products, and the videos themselves become A kind of marketing, not the main source of revenue.

  • This article was authored by [Danny Bitch] [Voice Experience] to write
  • This episode will introduce you to the current AV industry in Taiwan. If you are also curious about everything in this industry, please click to listen to the full program Apple PodcastSpotifySoundOnKKBOX
  • [Sister Bitch Must Please] Podcast, Bitch uses outspoken personality and super humorous interviews to let you know more people from all walks of life, as well as 250 weekly experience sharing on international news

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