
See you when the moon rises.


This is an experiment of "Internet Public Opinion Square", the petri dish is the Logbook of Matters Lab, and the communication between you and me is the starting point of the fermentation of "change"! : )
Poster created by naked child

🔎Everything starts with curiosity...

Do you have a little trouble but don't know who to ask? Which citizen do you want to secretly confess to? Or, after diving in Matters Lab Discord for a long time, I actually wanted to ask XX a question ahhhhh! 🔥

In this secret base that only belongs to us , you can open a secret wallet and secretly leave your confusion, your thoughts, or whatever you want to say to him/her!

No-burden Question Plus chat and blow water meeting, you can not only experience the freedom and invisibility on the blockchain, but also warm up in Matters Lab's exclusive "water blowing meeting", so that the temperature between people and people will continue. Let's leave a sincere message together! Participants who get the most ✨votes for their content will have a chance to get a small gift! : )

🎲 Experiment Theme|The truth is coming!

I would like to ask ___(object)___: ___(question)___!

The question must be about " change ".

If the object of the question is a Discord member, please present it with a full ID, such as AAA#9527; it is not limited to a member of Matters Lab, it can also be a celebrity or a non-human, welcome to open your mind!

 Example: I want to ask Dobby#6243: If you had a chance to go back in time, would you want to change anything? What would you do?

📆 Registration time

From now until July 15th.

📝 Participate in the process

Sign up> Write> Handover> Curator >>> Blowing Water

1. Sign up

During the registration period, private message your ETH wallet address to the official through the 📮 Open A Ticket function of Matters Lab Discord . The order is first-come , first-served. Those who want to participate in the event, please register as soon as possible to facilitate the official arrangement. In addition, when there are too many applicants, the application may end early after official evaluation.

2. Write

  • If you don't know how to use the Logbook before the Logbook is delivered to you? Please click here to read the introduction and usage guide of Logbook .
  • Start writing! Go to the main Logbook page , click My Bookcase, then Connect Wallet, you will see Logbook #1491 lying in the bookcase waiting for you!
  • 🚨 Attention! Logbook currently does not have a draft function, and the content cannot be modified after the editor has sent it !
  • In order to allow more people to participate in this activity, please make sure to write it within 24 hours after receiving the Logbook, and hand it over to the next participant. In addition, because the activity is the first trial run, this activity, each There is no limit to the number of times the wallet address can be written .

3. Pass the baton

  • After successful registration, the official will provide you with the wallet address of the next participant. After writing, click the 🎁gift icon at the top right of the Logbook, copy and paste the wallet address, and press Send to send.
  • After handing over the baton, please help inform the official by private message , so as to remind the next participant to start writing content.

4. Curation

  • During the event, on the Matters Lab Discord   📕| logbook   Channel , you and I jointly propose the most resonant content, and conduct content voting . The more ✨emoji content you get, the better chance you have to be exposed on the day of the water blowing event and have related discussions!

🌊 The main event! Blowing water!

 Blowing water, Hong Kong slang, means to gossip and chat without boundaries. And this exclusive Matters Lab water blowing meeting is the starting point of "change" fermentation.
  • The water blowout will be held on the Matters Lab Discord within seven days of the registration deadline, and an announcement will be made on the Discord at that time.
  • Using the data one hour before the start of the water blowing session as the judging criterion, the content that gets the most ✨emoji, the wallet owner will get the right to decide the theme of the next month , and 5000 Likecoin or 20 Matic ! If you actively participate in the event, you will also have the opportunity to give this Logbook as a prize in the future!

If you have any questions about this event, please leave a message below the article, or ask questions on the Matters Lab Discord !


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