
Hi 我是Talf宅,將自身的生活體驗、學習、閱讀等心得,藉由文章分享出來。留給自己也給有興趣的人。

Ignored high-quality works | Animation-Cat's Repayment

Don't lose yourself, take your time and live your own life. This world isn't for you, it's not where you belong.
© 2002 Cat Notedo・Studio Ghibli・NDHMT

I stayed at home with my family because of the heavy rain last weekend, and I watched the animation [Cat's Repayment] three times with my children😱. This movie was released in 2002. I saw it once when I was reading, but at that time I just thought it was about a man A young girl accidentally rescues a cat prince, and the cat kingdom triggers a series of short stories of fantasy adventures in return.

I didn't expect that after watching it with my child again, I found out that it is a highly recommended high-quality work 👏

The content of the story is no longer described, and the reason why it feels high-quality comes from the meaning of the story. Of course, everyone's interpretation may not be the same, but I am very happy to guide children to think and educate through understanding from the story.

© 2002 Cat Notedo・Studio Ghibli・NDHMT

At the end of the story, the protagonist "Xiaochun" said something to her mother that Baron Cat said at the beginning of the story:

My special blended milk tea tastes different every time, so I can't guarantee how it will taste. It's my special blend. I can't guarantee the flavor. It's different every time.

Personal interpretation : Most people will share their preferences with others, but others may not like it too. Just like the king of the cat kingdom, he dedicates the things that the cat family loves to Xiaochun, and even asks the cat prince to marry her. , wishful thinking sometimes causes each other trouble.

Guided thinking: It is a good thing to share your preferences with others, but you can’t force others to accept it. Maybe you can make them think about whether to experience it or not, but please be prepared to be rejected by others.

© 2002 Cat Notedo・Studio Ghibli・NDHMT

When Xiaochun entered the cat office and in the Elvis Palace, the cat baron and Xiaochun reminded one thing: (I found that the Chinese and English comparisons are slightly different, the English lines are relatively straightforward, but I like them more)

Think about how to manage your time so there is nothing to fear. You've got to discover where you truly belong, then you'll have nothing to worry about.
Don't lose yourself, take your time and live your own life. This world isn't for you, it's not where you belong.

Personal interpretation: In the beginning, Xiaochun was prone to anxiety and denial of himself due to unfortunate events or unhappiness in life. The baron's reminder and the behavior in the play want to convey that life will not be satisfied with everything, but you don't have to force yourself or simply give up, there will always be a suitable way for you to be satisfied with your life and affirm your value.

Guided thinking: Life is unique to you, you should not be subject to the opinions and suggestions of others, and you should embark on a path that is not suitable for you at all. You can try and challenge more, find a way that suits you and love, and affirm its value. , even if the road won't be easy.

Although not all of the works released by Studio Ghibli are liked very much, but with the growth of age and experience, it is easier to find out the ideas that the author may want to convey, and then guide them to healthy thinking and ideas for children. Excitement is also a joy of life 😁


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