
2023年,結束了8年的日本生活,回到了台北。 加入了自由工作者的世界,重新在這裡紀錄人生裡大大小小的故事和篇章。 ||

Aris@Tokyo|I left the company

After disappearing for a period of time, after reorganizing my state, it came to a new year. In the second half of last year, my life encountered some low ebbs. I ended a relationship. The ups and downs after breaking up affected my emotions from time to time. In addition, the stagnation of work prevented me from making more progress and growth, and it made myself in a strong state. In the negative energy of my life, I am very dissatisfied with my life, unable to enjoy the present life from the heart. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally made up my mind to resign and leave the environment that is not suitable for me. Although I don't know what will happen in the future, I believe that I will be able to blaze a new path!

The reason for leaving the company is because this environment has no way to provide resources that I can play, and unlike high-level ideas, there is often a sense of being restricted. But in contrast, this company is actually a very free place, and the Japanese elder brothers and aunts in it are full of humane people. They have come to this company for three years and have received a lot of care from them, just like a small family.

The day before I left, I had lunch on the 2nd floor with my company eldest sisters.

I used to have a sense of superiority towards them, because they usually gossip and criticize the company when they get together. For myself, who has always pursued excellence in work, I think their world view is very narrow, which often leads to a kind of self-righteousness. mentality.

But when I was depressed because of a brokenhearted relationship a while ago, or when I was troubled by a mentally handicapped youth when I was commuting by bus for a while, the big sisters would come to care about your state.

"You may have something to hide, but if you need help, you can come to me!"

"A friend I know has a house for rent recently. Would you like to move in? You are a foreigner here. Your family and friends are so far away. It's closer to the company when you move here, and everyone can take care of each other."

Or when I tell them I'm leaving and feel like I'm guilty of betraying the company...

"You don't have to think like that! You are still young and able to work well. It's a waste to stay here. The most important thing for everyone is to plan for their own life."

"Even if you leave here, you can still come to us often. This year because of the epidemic, I can't help you to hold a farewell party for you, but when the party can be opened later, you must come back to eat with us."

Maybe everyone's pursuit of work has different meanings, and the work attitude displayed will be different. Because I attach great importance to work achievements, it is easy to use work performance and enthusiasm to evaluate others. But in the eldest sisters, I can see the simplicity of caring for each other, and they also jointly gave me a juice machine as a farewell gift.

I went to the company's warehouse in Saitama in the afternoon on the day I left. Before, I usually went to the warehouse to check inventory once a month, so I also had business dealings with the members there. I have always liked going to the warehouse, because the members there are very kind people, they have no sense of calculation, and they are very comfortable to get along with.

Most of them go to work after graduating from high school. They are relatively dull but neat in their work. Probably because of this, they are very caring and independent. Among them, the warehouse manager has a similar work philosophy to me, so we have a lot of conversations, and he also takes care of me very much, just like the friendly Abe next door.

When I said goodbye to the people in the warehouse one by one, everyone said to me, "You have to cheer up when you go to other places! You have to come back to play with us, you have been working hard these days (お tired れ さ ま で し た)"

Then everyone bowed me carefully and thanked each other, and for a moment I felt like I was in a Japanese drama. The people in the warehouse gave me a box of dim sum together. On behalf of the buyer, they said, "We don't know what you like, but we felt that we had to express our feelings, so we chose wagashi. I hope you will like it. I can't help you this year. It's a pity to say goodbye"

After get off work, the warehouse manager drove me to the station. When I was about to get off the bus, he said to me very cautiously, "Thank you for your hard work in this company. You have worked so hard during this time. Come back and talk to me when the epidemic is stable. Let’s eat, don’t think we’re just talking, you’re welcome to come back to play at any time, please take care of your health, and be careful when you drive out.”

The biggest reason for leaving this company is because I can no longer feel the growth in my career, and I often feel dissatisfied with being overpowered. But what this small humane company has taught me is to understand that interpersonal communication can actually be very simple, and I know how to cherish the fate and get along with others more than before.

I used to have the stereotype that foreigners couldn't integrate into Japanese no matter how hard they tried. We do have such Japanese people in our company, but it is more because you are a foreigner who cares or takes care of you. I was really lucky to come to a company that was not so Japanese and met a group of very kind Japanese people, so I wanted to document them.

Finally, I have to add more space to Grandpa (the president's father, who often invites me to dinner in the company, is a very kind old man in his 70s, so I nickname him Grandpa XD), because he once again gave me a surprise!

In fact, I had already greeted my grandpa the day before I left. Before moving to the warehouse yesterday, I happened to meet Grandpa, and I said goodbye to him again solemnly. He proudly said to me, "I still have a farewell gift prepared, which will be sent directly to your home. Please pay attention to it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

I thought it might be some great dim sum (Grandpa is a sweet tooth). As a result, I received a home delivery just now, and it turned out to be a Kashmir scarf! In addition to being thankful, I am really lucky and blessed to have met so many warm seniors in life.

Grandpa's Kashmiri Scarf

★Original source: [Japanese Life Essay] I resigned from a Japanese company


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