
2022 年開始寫作,22 在布里斯托學習歷史, 一個武術家、歷史學家、作家,一個仔細考慮自己未來的人,喜歡享受。 源自亞洲,崛起於歐洲。

Short Story|The twilight at the seaside

In the hot summer, everyone will choose various activities to cool off the heat, but some people, no matter how nervous they are - it is the same...

On that lively beach, facing the thriving sunshine, I sat on the beach bench - meditating...

I was wearing a black super-glasses, like in the barbecue, full of heat.

"It's so hot! It's so hot! It looks like it's about to evaporate.

In the summer of 22 years old, I was still alone. I wanted to go and walk around, and I was very free.

It seems normal, but my head is still imagining everything as usual, wanting to be Indiana Jones,

That's right, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Roll around in countless treasure troves, plots, traps, and enemies (bad guys) who die every episode.

Whenever someone walks by, yells, or the green grass is shaking, I feel very much, is this a disease?

There was a roll of hot wind blowing around, and I was eating watermelon juice, imagining the "flame" from hell.

Soon after, I was sweating profusely, but I looked like a middle-aged man. How long will these days last?

Freedom, you have to have money to eat before talking about freedom!


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