
法西斯主义|新纳粹 |勃艮第系统|“早该屠屠了”



來自: The Forgotten Workers of Tiananmen Square (被遺忘的六四工人)

It's common for mainstream liberal thinkers to assume that the highly educated middle class is the key to democratization. The aftermath of June 4 is a clear counterexample. As Ho-fung Hung writes in his 2016 book The China Boom , surveys in China during the 1990s and early 2000s found that “most middle-class professionals and entrepreneurs [were] sternly opposed to political liberalization out of fear that it [would] unleash increasing social demands from below.” In general, research shows that it is the working class—not the middle class—who drive this kind of change.

非常常見的自由主義想法,都會假設“受過高等教育的”中產階層,才是民主化的關鍵。而後六四時代的經驗顯然是一個反例,根據Ho-Fung Hung在他2016年出版的書China Boom當中提及,從1990到2000年初在中國的田野調查當中發現,大部分中產階級專家和企業主們都是堅決反對政治自由化,擔心這種自由化會釋放出底層更多的社會需求。最終,研究者發現其實是勞工階層,而不是中產者,在推動政治方面的自由化。

來自“ Workers in the Tiananmen Protests: The Politics of the Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation” : (天安門事件當中的工人,北京工人自治聯盟的政治活動):

Such an assessment appears, after more sustained research, to under estimate the significance of gongzilian in two distinct ways. First, the organization played an increasingly pivotal role in the mobilization of street protests after the declaration of martial law; as the student presence in the square dwindled in the last days of May, the membership of gongzilian grew, its organization reached a high state of readiness, and it took a high profile in organizing the resistance to martial law. Moreover, while gongzilian lacked formally organized branches in places of work, it had a number of important informal ties to workers and work units throughout the city, from whom it enjoyed steady moral and material support until the rifle shots began to ring out. Unlike the student movement, the workers' movement had picked up momentum after martial law and appeared to gain confidence and strength as May turned into June.


來自Tiananmen Square Thirteen Years After: The Prospects for Civil Unrest in China (天安門廣場三十年之後,中國社會動蕩的不同角度)

Despite being targeted for repression in 1989, workers from SOEs are especially susceptible to mobilization for protest demonstration. Their long employment in state-owned enterprises gives them access to an organizational infra- structure much like that of students. Employment in SOEs embeds a worker in a stable network of social contacts that go beyond the workplace itself. Member- ship in this network enables workers to communicate quickly and easily with a large number of potential participants. Life as an SOE employee has also given them experience in organized collective action, even if those activities were organized by the firm or the party in the service of goals sanctioned by the state.

儘管在1989 年成為鎮壓目標,但國有企業的工人特別容易被動員起來進行抗議示威。他們在國有企業的長期工作使他們能夠使用與學生非常相似的組織架構。國有企業的就業將工人嵌入到超越工作場所本身的穩定社會聯繫網絡中。該網絡的成員資格使工作人員能夠快速輕鬆地與大量潛在參與者進行交流。作為國有企業員工的生活也讓他們體驗到有組織的集體行動,即使這些活動是由公司或政黨為實現國家批准的目標而組織的。

Third, unlike the previous two waves of demonstrations since Mao's death, the Tiananmen Square demonstrations were crushed with unprecedented brutality. No doubt the participation of urban workers and government/party employees alarmed party leaders to a degree unmatched by previous waves of largely student-based demonstrations. On 3-4 June, units of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) entered Tiananmen Square and began forcibly evicting demonstrators. Between 1,000 and 2,600 demonstrators were killed, although estimates vary considerably. Six thousand soldiers reported nonfatal injuries, and an unknown number of civilians were wounded. The party quickly moved to jail or exile most of the leaders of the movement. 31 Within two weeks, officially reported arrests totaled 1,600. By the spring of 1991, 2,578 arrests were confirmed by the Chinese government. Hong Kong sources put the figure closer to 4,000.32 The level of repression in 1989 (as well as the suddenness and brutality of it) was unprecedented and unanticipated by the demonstrators. Any assessment of protest cycles in China would suggest that the absence of nationwide demonstrations for over a decade is attributable in part to the harshness with which the 1989 movement was repressed.

第三,與毛逝世以來的前兩波示威不同,天安門廣場的示威以前所未有的殘酷鎮壓。毫無疑問,城市工人和政府/黨內僱員的參與使黨的領導人感到震驚,其程度是之前以學生為主的示威浪潮所無法比擬的。 6 月3 日至4 日,中國人民解放軍(PLA)部隊進入天安門廣場並開始強行驅逐示威者。 1,000 至2,600 名示威者被殺,但估計數相差很大。六千名士兵報告了非致命傷,還有數目不詳的平民受傷。該黨很快將大部分運動領導人關進監獄或流放。 31 在兩週內,官方報告的逮捕總數為1,600。到1991 年春,中國政府確認逮捕了2,578 人。香港消息人士稱,這個數字接近4,000.32。1989 年的鎮壓程度(以及它的突然性和野蠻性)是前所未有的,也是示威者始料未及的。對中國抗議週期的任何評估都表明,十多年來沒有全國性的示威活動,部分原因是1989 年的運動被鎮壓的嚴厲程度。

In the aftermath of Tiananmen Square, China's leadership implemented a strategy of social control intended to head off a recurrence of those events. First, this strategy involved diminishing the grievances of urban workers by restoring economic growth and reducing inflation. In this manner, they hoped to erode the student-worker coalition. Second, the party crushed student and worker organizations, imprisoning dissident leaders, and re-emphasizing political education in the university curriculum and the mass media. The prospects for a recurrence of demonstrations hinge in part on the capacity of the state to sustain this two- pronged strategy.


來自Chronology of Events Related to the 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident (1989年天安門事件時間表)

15 May 1989: Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev arrives in Beijing for the first Sino-Soviet summit in thirty years. The government's threat to empty Tiananmen Square by force fails to materialize while workers, intellectuals, and even public and party agency employees demonstrate in the Square to support the young hunger strikers. Yan Mingfu, a member of the party Secretariat, talks to the students.

1989 年5 月15 日:蘇聯領導人米哈伊爾·戈爾巴喬夫(Mikhail Gorbachev) 抵達北京,參加30 年來首次中蘇會晤。當工人、知識分子,甚至公共和黨的機構僱員在廣場上示威支持年輕絕食者時,政府以武力威脅清空天安門廣場未能實現。黨委書記閻明復與學生交談。

20 May 1989: Martial law is declared in Beijing at 10:00 am by an order bearing the signatures of Deng Xiaoping, President Yang Shangkun, and Li Peng. As students and workers appealing for democracy surround its soldiers, the Thirty-eighth Group Army decides to turn around after having pulled into Beijing. Yang Shangkun calls for group armies from all military regions to deploy around the capital. Passenger trains and domestic air flights are cancelled. Demonstrators number over one million.

1989 年5 月20 日:上午10 點,北京宣布戒嚴,鄧小平主席、楊尚昆主席和李鵬簽署命令。當呼籲民主的學生和工人包圍其士兵時,三十八集團軍在拉入北京後決定掉頭。楊尚昆號召各軍區的集團軍在京城周圍部署。旅客列車和國內航班取消。示威者人數超過一百萬。

22 May 1989: The government drops warning leaflets from a helicopter onto students in Tiananmen Square warning them to leave the Square or the army would force them out. Seven senior military officers write in a letter in the People's Daily, "The People's Liberation Army [PLA] belongs to the people. It cannot confront the people. The army cannot enter the city."

1989 年5 月22 日:政府從直升機上向天安門廣場的學生散發警告傳單,警告他們離開廣場,否則軍隊將迫使他們離開。七名高級軍官在人民日報的一封信中寫道:“解放軍是人民的,不能對抗人民,軍隊不能進城。”










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