How to calculate the gas fee for ipfs mining? How to reduce the gas fee of ipfs mining?

Musk single-handedly accelerated the transition from a bull market to a bear market. The entire market was complaining, and many people turned to mining directly. Nowadays, the relatively complete mining industries include btc, eth, fil, xch, etc. Today I will talk about how to calculate the gas fee of ipfs mining? How to reduce the gas fee of ipfs mining?

How to calculate the gas fee for ipfs mining? To calculate the gas fee, you need to know several attributes, the effective storage size of the miner, the real-time gas data, and the sector size of the miner.

The actual storage of the miner is not the same as the effective storage. Because of the mechanism of ipfs storing files, the miner needs to reserve a part of the space for data backup, and the remaining effective storage can be used for mining. For example, for a 96T mining machine, the effective storage is 64TiB, and the calculation output and consumption are calculated based on 64, not 96. Miners of other specifications can also use two-thirds of the actual storage to calculate the effective storage.

Knowing the effective storage, the next step is the specification of the sector. There are two types of sector specifications, one is 32GB and the other is 64GB. Major miners are now using 64GB sectors. The gas consumption of 64GB is half that of 32GB. Based on the data at 14:00 on May 18, the gas cost per T of 32 sectors is 4.4454 fils, and the gas consumption of 64 sectors per T is only 2.2227 fils. Therefore, a 96T miner with 32 sectors needs 284.5056 fil, and a 96T miner with 64 sectors needs 142.2528 fil.

How to reduce the gas fee of ipfs mining? This fee fluctuates between manufacturers, but the fluctuation is not large. The main factor affecting the gas fee is the update of the ipfs main network. For example, ipfs officially launched the V5 version in June, and the gas is expected to drop significantly. If the version is updated smoothly, the gas will be reduced by more than 90%, which will cause a series of reactions, and the currency price may rise sharply.

To sum up, how is the gas fee for ipfs mining calculated? After knowing the effective storage size of the miner, real-time gas data, and the sector size of the miner, it is easy to calculate. How to reduce the gas fee of ipfs mining? Large reductions in gas fees are usually associated with official protocol updates.


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