
In the matter of going to work, the new team leader who is contradictory and not smart has taken office!

The team leader of our school's resource class should be a thankless job, otherwise I wouldn't have changed three team leaders when I joined the company for less than a year.

Today’s post is just to express my thoughts on this new boss. Although we have only been working together for less than two weeks, it makes me feel that this person is quite special, and it also makes me worry about the subsequent working together.

I didn't really know who he was at first. On the day I found out that he took over the position of team leader, I only heard about this man from a more senior colleague: "It's all messing up." "Recklessly".

I don't know what the specific circumstances of the so-called "chaos" are. Although the first impression was not positive, I also allowed myself to retain a bit of flexibility and come to a conclusion after contacting the deity in person.

The first impression is that it is "fake and powerful", and I also feel his anxiety

Not long ago, a certain commander (call him Commander A) brought a new team leader to a meeting with us. The first time I saw the new team leader, my impression was not very good. Although he didn't say much, he exuded a very strong "fake power" aura, a state where he wanted to show his ability but had no confidence at all. Moreover, when it comes to funny things, although he wears a mask, he can feel from his eyes that he is not really smiling, more like he is just laughing, because the eyes of "true smile" can be recognized from.

The second meeting was during a group meeting. In meetings, he would keep repeating the same words. I could feel his anxiety when he first came into contact with the resource class business, and also felt that he just wanted to grasp something. Especially when it comes to the kind of business content that he can master and is more familiar with (such as making an appointment with the principal), he will repeatedly tell colleagues in charge of related business what to do. But that repetition is meaningless, because it's not that the colleague can't understand it, but he is still thinking about how to do it more efficiently. But the new leader can only keep repeating the same words and the same content. It seems to gradually confirm the "fake power" that I felt when I first met.

I have a conversation with the new team leader: Let's start with a conflict in the resource class

It was not until the third meeting, when he arranged a one-on-one conversation with me, that I had a deeper understanding of this person's state.

During the conversation, we talked about the conflict between a colleague in the resource class and Chief A a while ago. Actually, this matter is a bit complicated, but from what I have seen and heard so far, the general direction of the matter is: Chief A asked us to assist the work of other divisions at that time. However, in the process of implementing this job, there happened to be a conflict with the interests of the students. A colleague felt that the student's affairs should be the priority, so he let go of another job in another office first. But Chief A was dissatisfied with this, and even felt that the part of the students should be temporarily released.

The colleague felt that the student's matter at that time was more urgent. While Chief A asked his colleagues to temporarily let go of the students, he could not come up with better solutions and take the responsibility of the Chief for the possible negative consequences. Because Chief A couldn't make better suggestions, but asked us to do things that met his expectations, the work content of other divisions was not within the scope of our team's business, which made the colleague feel unreasonable, so his tone became more aggressive. . Chief A felt that the colleague was difficult to communicate with and was rude. He also felt that the various offices should assist each other. He also felt that the business was actually related to student counseling, so he should assist, and finally dismissed the colleague. salary.

My opinion: there is no right or wrong, only choices; not only did the new team leader not understand my thoughts, but the response was full of contradictions

This thing, in fact, there are many processes and back and forth that I do not know. Because as far as I know, there are other offices involved in this matter, so I believe there may be complications. Things will come to an unhappy end, both sides have their own states, and even some administrative systems of the school itself, allowing things to extend to today's situation. The aspects that can be discussed are too broad, including: How can other office business and student conflicts of interest be taken into account on a practical level? Or which should be the priority? Is the assignment of the business content to the resource class reasonable or not? What is the responsibility of Chief A for this? Are coworkers really rude? Is it really difficult to communicate? and so on.

Although I don't like Chief A very much, aside from personal emotions, objectively speaking, it is meaningless to judge this matter by "right or wrong", and I cannot even objectively draw a conclusion that either party is right or wrong, because the involved The layers are so complicated that I can't see the whole picture.

The new team leader's chat box opened and talked to me about it. My position is very firm and I feel that it is difficult to judge who is right and who is wrong, so my responses are: "It may be that the two sides have different positions, it may be that the two sides have conflicting ways of handling things, this is just a matter of choice", difficult to use Right and wrong evaluation.

As for the new team leader, he gave me a very good response: "I know that he (colleague) is right, but the tone of communication can be better.", "The things explained are done." The same content and phrases appear several times during the conversation. From the whole context of the conversation, the translation of these words means: the colleague's tone is not good, and things will come to this stage. He tried not to criticize the colleague's actions at first, but immediately after the next sentence, he commented on the matter with evaluative language, and almost only focused on the "tone".

I think he wanted to bring us closer, and he didn't want to offend anyone, but his conversation was full of contradictions. Especially in the first half of the paragraph, he will first express his seemingly open and unbiased thoughts, and the next sentence will come with a "but", which instantly slaps his face in the first half of the content. I would rather he stated directly: "I think his (colleague) communication method is wrong", and don't "fake openness" over there, and the next sentence will be revealed immediately.

Instead, it showed his insincerity, and even felt that his "closer" was just a form of flattery, for the sake of smooth follow-up work. In particular, he kept complimenting him all the time: "I really think you guys are great and very patient." But his tone and state were a bit detached. And in the conversation, he wanted to create a very friendly attitude, but he included all kinds of negative evaluative words in the middle, such as: You are very "difficult", it is very unwise to argue with him (Sir A), etc. The whole person is extremely inconsistent.

Is he trying to convince me? Or intimidate me?

The most classic part of the whole conversation is when he said, "The result is the same anyway, so it's no use arguing. Give him what he (Sir A) wants!" And there's nothing wrong with what he said, it's true. , In particular, I have also seen the strong style of Officer A, and I also know the behavior of the school's top management.

But after thinking about the context of the conversation a little bit later, I felt that something was wrong. First, he actually kept mentioning that his usual attitude in handling things is that he is very "moderate", but his "moderateness" means that he is not very good at arguing. Anyway, the matter is in his hands, even if his ability is limited, he Still obedient to finish.

In principle, one of the tasks of the team leader should be to communicate with the senior management, especially when the business within the team does not meet the expectations of the senior management, the team leader should mediate or negotiate between the employees and the senior management. But judging from the content of the conversation, what worries me the most is his "moderate" style, coupled with his lack of special education background and ignorance of the special education profession, it is even more difficult to understand our staff's handling of special education business. Professional considerations; in addition, I heard from a colleague later that he has a very good relationship with Chief A. He was also requested by Chief A to take office. He is regarded as Chief A's "love general". This seems to indicate that in the future, if the supervisor asks us to do something, it should be difficult for us to have room for negotiation; or when our working methods do not meet the expectations of the senior management, the new team leader is likely to choose to "sacrifice" employees in most cases. , and only unilaterally require employees to adjust to meet the expectations of senior management.

In addition, it was the first time I had a one-on-one conversation with the new team leader, and we were still very unfamiliar with each other. But when he said this at this point in time and in the state of his relationship, he seemed to be telling me, "Just do things obediently in the future, and don't do too much May, Four, Three."

So is he trying to convince me? Or "scare" me in a gentle way?

The new team leader is not a smart person, very unreliable!

Afterwards, I talked to a colleague about the conversation with the new team leader at that time. The first sentence I said was, "I don't think he is a smart person!" It meant that he was very general and not a wise person.

For example: When talking about the dispute between a colleague and Chief A, my focus is actually on "choice" rather than "right or wrong", and I cannot judge this incident from a single angle. But the new team leader didn't seem to understand what I was talking about, and also used a "fake openness" method, while saying that there was no right or wrong, while criticizing the colleague's tone is not good and very unsmart. But he probably had no way of realizing his own contradictions. Moreover, he focuses more on the "tone" level, and it seems that there is no way to discuss this matter from other angles.

And a new supervisor, evaluating the actions of other colleagues in front of an employee who has just met, isn't he afraid that I may be a big mouth who can't hold back his words and spread his words to the public? In particular, he cares so much about whether he can do things well and can cooperate well, but his speech full of contradictions is not necessarily a good thing for him to get along with his employees in the future, right?

Besides, he doesn't actually have a background in special education, but throughout his conversation, he kept telling us "how to do things". For example: when Chief A has unreasonable demands, he can try to find a compromise. I don't deny that his approach has its benefits, but "compromise" isn't a panacea either. Especially when high-level employees are required to do work outside the business, this is not about compromise, and it may even violate professional ethics, which cannot be solved by "compromise". Therefore, it should be right to have a "fake powerful" feeling when seeing him for the first time, right?

I have all kinds of thoughts and back and forth in my heart, and I also made some attempts

I also review my status at this meeting. There are a lot of mental back-and-forth and pulling and offense and defense here, which is very interesting.

At first, the stereotype made me a little reluctant to talk one-on-one with the new leader. Since both parties are still very unfamiliar, I can ignore the vision of the new team leader for the time being, and mention at the beginning of the conversation that I may be more concerned about the issuance of my license in April.

I'm very vulgar when it comes to talking about money, I don't want people to think I'm a snobby, but I also know it's my right to add to it. But maybe I didn't want to be friends with this person, and he didn't exude the aura that made me want to get closer, so I didn't care about his vision, and the mentality of the conversation was more like business, I just I did something that I never dared to do.

At one point he said, "We (me and the new leader) are all the same, because we will be gentler in things." When he said that, it made me think he wanted to get closer to me. And from his conversation, it can be found that his "moderateness" is only for survival at best, and he chooses to give in almost without principle.

But I want to draw a clear line with him. On the one hand, I don’t want him to feel that he is dealing with business affairs and can ask me anything without any bottom line;

I hoped that I could stand upright in front of the power, express the principles I adhere to, and try not to offend the superior, so as not to be dragged by the inconvenience of subsequent affairs, I finally chose his favorite "compromise" approach. I said in a gentle and firm way: "Although I tend to deal with it in a gentle way, my bottom line is the students. As long as the interests of the students are met, I will stick to my principles." Contrast what my powerful people say.

Of course, there were times when I suddenly felt sympathetic to the new leader. Especially since he has multiple jobs and seems to have no room for resistance, he is forced to accept this difficult job. Therefore, during the conversation, I also revealed my sympathy for him being forced to take over this business several times.

The new team leader will stay for at least half a year. From what I have seen and heard so far, I always feel that the next day is very unknown, and I don't know whether it is a disaster or a blessing? I just hope that it will go through smoothly in the future.

Finished on 2022.02.18


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