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【Miscellaneous Project】What are we drinking when we go to the bar to drink?

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In my eyes, drinking and going to a bar are two different things. Obviously, the former is just a few beers or a bottle or two of liquor in the boundaries of small cities. There are few serious bars in my hometown. , Most of them are nightclubs, and they sell a few bottles of well-known spirits at several times the premium. At least it's hard for me to find a serious place to mix drinks.

When I say go to a bar for a drink I prefer cocktails.

Or let's put it another way: Cocktail

The wiki tells us: a cocktail is a stimulant spirit that combines any type of spirit, sugar, water, and bitters, and the vulgar people call it Bittered Sling, and consider it an excellent campaign medicine because it makes the candidate more Bold and reckless while confusing the mind. It is also said to be of great help to the Democratic candidates, because the person who swallows a cocktail will be willing to swallow anything else (willing to be all-inclusive)

We can naturally ask the question about the essence here: why do we drink alcohol - each person has their own answer, and then suspend the question - "Why drink cocktails?"

Apparently delicious

This is a straight answer, but to the essence - although some bartenders are not "delicious", just as not everyone likes serious coffee, not everyone likes to drink - but "bartending" is a Behaviors endow pure alcohol with infinite possibilities. People who love bartending may not simply like alcohol or "drinking", but instead may be obsessed with the breaking of the same order and the possibility

Or let's put it another way: create

But I may also be talking nonsense-maybe I am just pursuing the momentary pleasure brought by alcohol, and obtaining an imaginary identity like a dream;

Maybe I'm just pursuing the extension of the braking distance of reason, looking for a kind of authenticity in the chaotic symbol system and in the frenzy;

Maybe I'm just pursuing the reconciliation of various flavors-experience, and then projecting my life onto it;

Maybe you're after a wrapper:

When cocktails become a symbol of elegance, then drinking bartending or learning bartending will become an act of packaging oneself - is there a hidden inferiority complex? The Self in Lacanian Context is an Illusion

Here is abrupt insertion of a Hegelian metaphor

An empty self, hoping on the symbol that it will wrap itself up for a kind of equality - even so, if there is nothing in the package, then you are wrapping the whole world.

Back to our title: what exactly are we drinking when we go to the bar for a drink?

I hope you have your own answer.

Welcome to follow


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