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[Discussion] Fragmentation of 996

Notes-like chatter, fragmented texts, and records

Why does it have to be symbolized as " 996 "

Preface: Don't default to 12-hour work as normal working hours

Do you still remember when you were in school - get up at 6:00 am → leave school at 6:00 pm

But in fact, if the person who goes to work is "666", it can avoid the morning rush and also cut out the dinner time.

- this is the most efficient

⇒ The essence of 996 is not for better exploitation** - otherwise, 666

why we hate 996

996 instead brings commute time++ and more invalid time - even willing to fish at the workplace

The substantive actions of catching fish and lying flat are useless - on the contrary

6pm to 9pm time is interrupted without being cut - what time is this?

Industry exchange time - dinner time - public relations time - business time ⇒ facilitate transactions

Make you never enter the field of business competition with its business - "You can't cut the bullshit!"

It should not be a rhetoric of "involution", it is self-improvement

⇒ The existence of 996 is convenient for managers

Manager: 9am - 9pm → even later ⇒ he needs to rest until 9 o'clock - he can't get up and has a hangover (x

This is also the reason why I couldn't keep it on Saturday - I lost the qualification for weekends and directly cut it in half.

- How to improve your own quality and ability? ?

The disappearance of some abilities, people should not degenerate

  • bodily injury
  • Lack of quality development
  • Shaped life frame
  • A deliberately narrowed network

this will not be tolerated

996 The distinction between essence and substance

⇒ Combination of Essence + Reality = Essence

What is Exploitation ⇒ In the labor market your labor is forced to be priced

You are not exploited only when you become the "protagonist"

The essence of 996 is not exploitation, but the essence is "exploitation"

Attached to 996: Life is domesticated by money

Alienate your life for the sake of your boss - live under the only value framework of money

The living environment embellished by money piles is itself the alienation of life

- Man as a life should not be an animal life,

People do not rely on a one-dimensional display to achieve the so-called creation

People can't be like this, at least they shouldn't.


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