
國一生,12歲,目前不常上線,文章更新慢(....)喜歡畫畫、讀書及運動(最喜歡跑步),有加入田徑隊,希望與你分享生活大小事~♪ 會回拍 (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)

Pig teammates killed the poor stick insect 😢(Liker ID: niyaniya)

There are two stick insects in our class, and their life leaders are me and another girl, Xiao Jin, and two boys, Xiao Feng and Xiao Yi.

Our work assignment

Xiao Jin is responsible for bringing guava leaves for them to eat (changing leaves).

I am in charge of taking care of the fenugreek when they change their leaves and noticing if they come out.

Xiaofeng and Xiaoyi are responsible for clearing the stool.

The teacher said that stick insects in peeling are the most vulnerable

On May 11th, I went to school early in the morning and found that the longest stick insect was peeling! !

And it takes off the complete skin of the adult worm!

We were very careful not to disturb him, because the teacher said that "the peeling stick insect is the most vulnerable time, even if you touch it lightly, it is likely to die", so we are very careful, Don't scare it, even if you want to see it, stand far away.

Angry classmates

One class ended, we went to see it, and it was still peeling. At this time, classmate No. 4 walked over, picked up the box containing the stick insects vigorously, and flicked it hard. Suddenly, the whole class shouted, Because the peeling stick insects fell off!

" What are you doing?! " The whole class shouted in unison, because the stick insect seemed to be dead and fell on its own skin, " Oh my God!! " Some people couldn't help shouting after seeing it.

The sad moment has come

The next day, when I got to school, I found that the stick insect was dead...

Some people in the class sighed, some faked crying, and some scolded loudly. No. 4 still refused to admit that he was wrong. The teacher even spoke for him, "It's not his fault." They were all dumbfounded, because, that is a life, we all take care of it carefully, it died, I am really sad.

stick insect grave

On the same day, we built a small tomb for him. There were two large stones on the tomb. Xiaoyi helped him to paste a piece of paper on one of the stones, which read: "The tomb of the stick insect died on the peeling Xiaoyi. ", after we saw it, some people laughed, and some people were actually worshipping it, naughty using branches as incense!

I think Xiaoyi must also be very reluctant to it. When Xiaoyi is cleaning up the stool, although he will say "likes and dislikes" (referring to the stool) while cleaning, but after cleaning, he will also add a sentence "It's so cute💖" , the behavior of other male classmates is not very respectful of stick insects.


Until May 15th, a few boys of Erding destroyed the grave. The tomb, which was good, was kicked and beaten by a few naughty boys. Finally, the tomb of the stick insect was gone, so did we. I don't know where the stick insect corpse is, just like that, many people forget it.


Everyone in our class hopes that when the next stick insect peels off, it will become an adult smoothly, and not die in its own skin like that poor stick insect.

Classmate No. 4 can be said to be the pig teammate of our class. Sometimes he commands and talks randomly. During group discussions, he disregards the plans of the whole group and acts on his own. I feel that he is actually I really want to make friends, but I use the wrong method. Although I don't know how to help him, I hope he can slowly learn how to get along with friends, and I hope he can show more love and care for the stick insects we raise together as a class. .


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