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This article was written on March 26, 2015 ( click here for the first version )

The moment I took off the brain interface, I felt really bad.

It's like taking one of your own eyeballs out.

The faster the process, the more excruciating the pain.

The disconnection process is quick.

As if hit by a shot, the bullet is a tube of Alzheimer's disease.

Quite upset.

Jiang Muyuan passed away.

I died thirteen months ago, but I was still interacting with Jiang Muyuan until yesterday.

After knowing this, my body violently twitched and retched, so violent that my consciousness in the fourth-layer space also trembled.

Physiological reactions cannot be completely erased no matter what.

Of course, it was clear that this was Jiang Muyuan's virtual soul, so that he could give his friends an explanation after his death.

But the time to explain this can be very long.

Second Past Life.

However, as a good friend of Jiang Muyuan, it was still necessary for me to attend his funeral.

Speaking of funerals, it is actually nothing more than a tombstone launching ceremony done by a digital priest.

As for Jiang Muyuan's body, after thirteen months, no one wanted to take a look.

It was heard that his neighbor was convulsed by the strong stench, so he went offline and found Jiang Muyuan. The neighbor himself is said to have suffered from mental illness as a result.

If it were me, I am afraid that a network nightmare entity would be born because of this, and it will always follow my consciousness.

At that time, I can only go to the psychological priest to do a cyber exorcism.

It was raining heavily, and my wheelchair slipped silently between the tombstones.

Last year, my physiological diagnosis program said that the muscles in my whole body were shrinking. It was suggested to increase the offline time to exercise the body, or download a set of software for automatic body movement. Unfortunately, I did not choose either.

"Damn procrastination."

This is my mantra.

A little man on the left came out of the tombstone and started to play the violin.

This is the third generation of digital tombstones, which can create a three-dimensional image animation of the deceased according to the settings, and it will be played automatically when someone comes.

It's an antique.

"The next name is Shi, the name is Ren Fei, and the character Qianyi is cold-faced. Please leave your contact information and name, and I will visit you soon."

This is an earlier second-generation digital tombstone, and it's quite tasteless.

When several elderly people in the family passed away that year, it was just when the experimental first-generation digital tombstones were eliminated and replaced with second-generation tombstones with a “more friendly human-computer interface”.

The old people don't understand why they still have a bunch of electronic circuits to beep after death. Isn't this a veritable "noisy"?

But my generation understands it.

Digital tombstones can be regarded as a continuation of a form of communication between the living and the dead. After three generations of unsuccessful evolution, the fourth generation began to combine with the deceased online, which formed the current tombstone culture.

Some people say that death gives meaning to life. Tombstones, therefore, are the setting tone of civilization.

The keynote of civilization in our era is probably "perfect online".

You are dead and still online.

For example, Jiang Muyuan.

Jiang Muyuan's tombstone was leaning against the back.

The front seven or eight rows are mixed with traditional tombstones and the first three generations of digital tombstones.

After walking ten meters, you can find that the whole style has changed silently.

A tombstone came into view.

That was my uncle, a man of great power.

During his lifetime, he vigorously advocated digital tombstones and smart tombstones, so much so that he was hit on the head with a brick because of the intensity.

Although his words are quite extreme, there is one thing that wins people's hearts - people exist in this world by being remembered by others. The meaning of human existence is to be remembered by others. Therefore, the best way to commemorate the deceased is to allow them to continue to be remembered in the virtual online world.

This is the core idea of the later smart tombstone-continuing the life of the deceased on the Internet.

Use big data analysis to analyze the behavior patterns of the deceased online, and create a simulated soul that is indistinguishable in all aspects, allowing this soul to continue to communicate with others in a limited way online.

Moreover, with the upgrade of the system, such a simulated soul can also learn the latest network information, and then make interactions according to the character model of the deceased.

This is no longer the way the dead deceased emerge step by step like traditional digital tombstones, but really let them continue to live in people's hearts.

Until one day all relatives and friends agree that the soul can pass away, it will truly disappear from this world.

You can say I am dead or you can say I am not dead. It depends on how you view life and death.

As far as I'm concerned, my uncle is still alive, right in my heart -- and right in front of my eyes.

His tombstone sensed my arrival, and a floating screen popped up, showing the communication between the uncle's soul and netizens on the Internet.

Oh, and I saw him talking to my dad about the latest Mars concert, which made a few others in the group chuckle.

I laughed too, and cast my eyes aside.

That's my father's tombstone.

He died of drowning seven years ago.

My mother has not been here because she feels that there is no father's soul here.

And I still come, when someone is invited in here.

I don't even know if my father is there, but I do know that I was chatting with him online the other day.

My second wife wanted to divorce me because she didn't think the fourth floor was right for her, and she longed for the 6.4th floor, where her body sensitivity was adjusted to a higher level.

I don't want to say that the "Ladies' Friend" service in the sixth floor was the culprit in my marriage breaking up, but I do think she was spoiled there - oh god, how can there be a man with that body?

But my father said that my thoughts were selfish.

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, even if the pursuit is purely physical pleasure, why not?

Everyone has aspirations.

But I am still despised by the primal desires of the body in this age of the soul.

Then my father patted me on the head: "You're still too young."

At that moment I knew it was indeed my father.

I don't understand why my mother just thinks my father is no longer here.

Of course, strictly speaking, the father is not in this tombstone.

He was online, in the fifth space, chatting with my uncle.

I stopped the wheelchair, bent down, and wiped a thin layer of dew from my father's tombstone.


In the deepest part of the cemetery is an open meadow - where the new tombstones of the future will stand.

A three-dimensional image of a priest stood quietly in the air.

Jiang Muyuan's relatives and friends were not there.

Maybe I came early.

His tombstone was already there.

The pastor gave me a slight nod.

The ceremony will not begin until the people have arrived. And digital priests will just stand still - not selling you tombstones or talking to you about other ads, which is fine.

This is a smart tombstone.

The latest.

Kind of ironic.

Jiang Muyuan was one of those who strongly opposed digital tombstones.

They call themselves "Tombless Wandering Souls".

But now he is lying quietly in this tombstone, waiting to reconnect after the ceremony.

He keeps telling me that digital tombstones are a conspiracy.

Yeah, it's a conspiracy.

The digital tombstone is a conspiracy, the sixth floor is a conspiracy, and the AI Control Bureau is a conspiracy.

Everything is a conspiracy.

There is no shortage of conspiracy theorists in any era, and neither is this one.

They believe that everything is a bureau of the government, and the purpose of the bureau is to firmly control power and control society.

So the government constantly encourages the value of freedom and dilutes the social structure based on traditional marriage.

Jiang Muyuan told me yesterday that the divorce between my wife and I is proof that the cornerstone of society has been washed away.

Everyone only cares about pursuing the so-called "meaning of life", "the joy of being born as a human being" and "the fresh excitement that has never been there before" in the virtual world, all for the sake of oneself, without considering Family, without regard to society, this is blatant techno-Nazism.

This is the view of Jiang Muyuan and other tombless wandering souls.

Techno-Nazism, hey!

To say that the government vigorously manufactures robots and deliberately conceals it under the guise of the Artificial Intelligence Control Bureau is actually replacing humans with robots on a large scale and in a planned way.

It is also said that personal enjoyment is vigorously promoted in order to smash the basic unit of the family, thereby controlling population growth. And digital tombstones are tools created to create the illusion that there are still a lot of people.

Those exciting experiences in the sixth floor space are trying to use these networks to control people's thoughts and emotions, making the whole society more stable in fact - all dissatisfaction is vented through the sixth floor space , so there will be no turmoil in the society.

Everything is for a better rule, a more perfect rule.

The ultimate goal of domination is to clean up all the low-level people, leaving only the rulers and their AI.

Let human beings wither slowly in the paradise of low fertility and high enjoyment, wither silently, wither with firm footsteps.

In a gentle way, weed out all unsuitable people.

This is techno-Nazism—

The dumbest conspiracy theory I've ever heard in my life!

No evidence is the best evidence, and the government is playing a big game of chess, which makes people laugh out loud!

Jiang Muyuan, Jiang Muyuan, I really can't figure out how you, who was the smartest in the class before, are now caught in the quagmire of such conspiracy theories?

It's really smart, but it's being mistaken by smarts.

But in the end, you still chose the digital tombstone, maybe you finally figured it out.

Once a smart person has entered the horns, it is more difficult than ordinary people to get out, and only he can get out.

Thank goodness you finally came out.

Be sure to have a drink with you tonight and celebrate!

No one else came yet.

I looked around.

I was the only one in the whole cemetery.

A yellow dog came out of nowhere.

Along the way, all kinds of three-dimensional figures came out of the tombstone to tease him.

There is also ballet, there is a tenor, two tomb owners sing together, and a family dances around the yellow dog.

There are cheerful poetry recitations and serious philosophical thoughts.

The yellow dog came to my feet and squatted beside the tombstone.

Jiang Muyuan's tombstone lit up.

He's about to come out.

He, come out-

"According to the relevant regulations, there is no such soul in this tomb."


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