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[Domoto Observation Diary] On the 10th Anniversary Hot Spring Trip

☆ I often watch the first episode of Changxin. The whole process is guided by 24. You should step on the points in advance. The route and accommodation are very carefully arranged. The purpose is to express my gratitude to 51 on the tenth anniversary. , can only be expressed through action.

☆ Personally, I think that the two of them were suffering from a serious job crisis when the show was being recorded, so that the military was disillusioned. 24 gave 51 a signal that he wanted to disband, or 51 had shaken his confidence in the two of them being able to go on. In his opinion, 24 may be the first to give up. Once there is a crack in the relationship between the internal members, and the people's hearts are scattered, it is easy to predict how the group will survive and develop. 24 Another purpose of arranging the hot spring trip is to appease 51 and dispel his doubts. The first is to express his desire to be like a plum blossom tree and walk together for 300 years. No matter what the times are, first of all, his intention will not change. Then, from the perspective of action, I discussed with 51 before going to bed what the two of them should do if they want to continue walking. It is completely a routine to appease your boyfriend/girlfriend, considerately arrange a trip for two people, show your gentle and considerate side, show your loyalty that I still love you, and we can still create more memories in the future. To use a more honest metaphor, it can also be said that it is like a leader to appease disturbed employees, move them with emotion, and slowly lure them.

☆ In the car, 51 asked 24 what he was busy with recently, 24 answered a long list, what did he eat, what did he play, what did he do, what kind of work did he do, what kind of cold he had, and the answer was inexplicably cute. Then after listening to 51, the conclusion is that although it is a combination, life is completely different. Huh? If 24 said that he is going to go fishing and shopping, it is understandable that you say it is different. 24 Sleeping at home on vacation, cooking, and playing games, aren’t that all things 51 will do? The same goes for work, and most of the radio, variety shows, and interviews are the two of them together. 51 should just want to emphasize that the two are different, not the same is not the same, the same is not the same.

☆When ordering snacks, 51's tension finally rose, patted 24's arm and said he looked like an uncle, and complained that he snapped his fingers and clicked without sound, and the atmosphere returned to the state of recording JP. When I saw that 24 didn't order the ice cream that I wanted to eat and showed a pity expression, I laughed schadenfreude aside, and then it was the familiar pampering or compliment? "You're so funny, Tsuyoshi." Well, after all, in 51's mind, 24 is an occasionally interesting relationship person.

☆24 is a little more relaxed than 51. She took off her shoes and sat cross-legged on the seat. I want to complain here, this sitting position is easy to touch, once the legs of the two were stuck together, and when the ice cream was ordered, 24's hand was also on 51's leg. In this way, not only 51's sense of boundaries is weak, but in fact, 24 is not only weak in defense, but also in physical contact. People who can enjoy skinship should feel very secure and trust human beings.

☆51 was really too close when he shot 24 twice, and the face shot is also 51's traditional ability. The two shots of 24 are very touching, the profile of 51 near and the couple walking in the distance.

☆24 Take 51 to the foot bathing hot spring pool and let him take it off as soon as possible. Maybe it is really meant to be teasing. How can I know that 51 is really stupid and ready to take off his jacket. My heart is distressed, 24 quickly stopped, 51 slapped 24 with embarrassment and anger, it's really natural, even if you really want to take a bath, you can't just take it off outside, just like phi con, 51 His brain is broken, and he is acting on his instincts again.

☆When riding the Hakone Railway, 51 obediently went to greet passers-by and passengers, but the part where he finally thanked him was escaping. The reason for thanking is indeed a bit forced. I understand that 24 wants 51 to communicate more with the outside world, but he doesn't want to go, so don't let him go. However, the tug-of-war between the two was quite interesting, one was desperately trying to find an excuse to hide, and the other was reluctant to pull the topic back. 51 said that when he got on the tram, he would have the urge to not want to get off, and I felt the same way. Is the escape mentality at work?

☆51's mantra, do you want me to say it directly? Then I really said it straight; I don’t know if I can say it, but forget it, let me say it; although I know I shouldn’t say it, I still want to say it. When you want to tell the truth, you will use these to vaccinate each other. In this video, too, 51 has the habit of interrupting other people's speech. On the train and in the hot spring, he cut off 24's words twice. It is estimated that 24 took a long time to adapt to this point, and also complained in the show.

☆At dinner, when 24 told the guests that 51's expression was really unhappy, 51 was embarrassed to shoot 24's arm twice in a row, with an expression like why are you revealing my bottom, but did not refute. He wore too little, was cold, tired, and sleepy. He was scalded by the 66-degree hot spring all the way. He was frightened at the beginning, and then he didn't know what was waiting for him in the whole process. For him, it was indeed an ascetic practice, and he spent a very fulfilling day.

☆At the dinner table, 51 helped 24 to add food, but the camera only took a moment, and 24 didn't even say thank you, it seemed that he was very used to it. Asahi's 51, in the details, the two always take care of each other.

☆Reconfirm, 24 molesting 51 is really special and very easy to get started, what do you mean by "my room" should be a room for two people, a good sleeping face? This kind of tiger and wolf word, 51 originally had a brain hole It's big, after 24 provocations, the Milky Way can't be opened yet. The feeling of the two chatting under the quilt is very warm, and the last prank instantly brings the time back to the boyhood, just as 51 wrote in the lyrics of "Futari", the years they spend together will bloom and lead them to Moving forward, supporting them towards a brighter tomorrow.


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