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[Recommended Book List: Card Box Notes, Zero Blind Spot Thinking, From A to A+]

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It's been a long time since I wrote a book recommendation list. Recently, I have read a lot of books on business management or critical thinking. Today, I will introduce a few books that I think are good. (If the publishing house wants to provide benefits for the audience to draw books, they are very welcome haha)

1. Card Box Notes

This book was first seen shared by Vaki in an article, which was only available in English at the time.

Compared to the traditional writing of an article on a topic, this card note-taking method introduces a new note-taking mode.

The whole point of the book is to introduce how to write card notes: to establish the habit of writing a card note whenever there is a new idea, and through the new note classification system, related notes can be linked together.

That way, as soon as you write something new, you can see past notes and connect to them to generate more ideas.

German Luhman scholars wrote more than 70 books on different topics and more than 400 papers in their lifetime through this kind of systematic note-taking.

I think if you are like me, you often have a lot of different ideas but don't have a good way to record them, or if you are a project manager/cross-disciplinary learner who usually has to be exposed to a lot of things and knowledge, you must read this book To help you do better knowledge management.

2. Zero Blind Spot Thinking - 8 Habits of Insight to Help You Overcome Prejudice

This book mentions that when we face criticism from people, our first reaction is to build a protective wall, and then try to prove ourselves right, but never reflect on the fact that we may be wrong.

There are many examples like the above, so we need to cultivate a "detective mentality" to test whether our judgments are correct at any time, and constantly remain suspicious of what we say.

The book also introduces several tools for self-recognition and self-criticism to help us get rid of "habitual thinking" and fight against subconscious bias. See the world from a more objective and rational perspective.

3. From A to A+, the secret of enterprise from good to excellent

This book mainly mentions the keys and secrets of the success of 11 companies from good to great, discusses what qualities managers should have, how to face the harsh facts, and how to make a team build a positive flywheel effect .

Before managing a team, self-management must be done well before it can be extended outwards. So this is not only a book for leaders, but also for those who seek personal excellence.

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