
台大化工所 | Podcast 一百種檸檬味 喜歡閱讀、學習新事物。 粉專內容 : 閱讀心得/ 區塊鏈知識/ 解決問題 我的平台:https://linktr.ee/Lemonway_Learning Telegram推薦文章、書籍:https://t.me/lemonwaylearning

【What is the Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University studying? Break your myths about chemical engineering! 】

Recently, a lot of friends told me that they were hit by youtube's algorithm and went to the chemical engineering department to share a video that was filmed at Ghost Talk 69 a year ago.

But these two episodes are really funny, my host friends have been talking dry and laughing from beginning to end.

But there are still a lot of important concepts that I want to convey, to dispel everyone's myths about the Department of Chemical Engineering, and I recommend friends who are very unfamiliar with the Department of Chemical Engineering to take a look!

Finally, let’s match myself. If you want to invite me to make a video or record a podcast, you are welcome to discuss it. I like chatting with you and exchanging opinions!

Video link:

What are the "Modern Alchemists" studying in the Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University? Chemistry is not the most important thing! ? (Chemical) https://youtu.be/i5E50vJYvbk
"TSMC Direct Train" Graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University! Think again before you fill in the voluntary application~ (under chemical industry) https://youtu.be/gK5vwnqknu4


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