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Have you heard that learning English can also make money? A full introduction to the new "Study to earn" game LetMeSpeak!

The company said at the beginning of the game that there are more than 1 billion English learning populations in the world, which means that the market for English learning is huge. And how to provide incentives for people to learn English is indeed the key.
"let me speak" English learning platform

Following the popular STEPN walking and earning game last time, a friend recently shared a "Study to earn" game app with me, which was very interesting, so I researched it and organized it into an article to share with you haha.

To put it simply, it was originally an English learning platform called "let me speak", where you could practice listening, speaking, reading, writing, and writing. Originally it was a basic English learning APP, but after taking the Tokenomics of Play to earn, there are some interesting points. Official Link: LetMeSpeak Marketplace Beta

【Buy your Avatar with SOL, USDC and start earning money while learning English】

This learning app is actually divided into two types, one is the free version of the English learning platform (it should be no different from other apps), and in the part of the money-making version, the virtual currency economic model is imported, and it starts to learn while earning story.

LMS Marketplace

After registering an account + purchasing NFT characters (you can use SOL or USDC), the journey of making money begins! (Currently one is about 100U-2000U, it feels like someone is sweeping the floor haha)

 Log in to the NFT character you choose to purchase in your App, which contains stories, words, grammar, etc. After completion, the corresponding experience and tokens will be given, and basically you can recover 100 stamina in one day. (You can get tokens after learning if you have physical strength)

The daily income is limited by the character's energy and can be fully spent in 30-40 minutes, which is the perfect language learning time every day (the official website claims XD).

[Characteristics of Avatar]

Talent: Talent is the primary attribute that defines most other attributes: character rarity, initial skill stats, and learning rate. Talent points are provided at the time of NFT character creation and do not change. The more talent points a character has - the faster you progress, the more you can earn and the more chances you have of winning in P2P battles.

Rewards rate: Characters with different rarities will get different rewards under the same learning behavior. Keep people of different income levels motivated while keeping the entry price of NFT characters below $100.

Invite: Every NFT role can be used to create a new role. You need 2 characters of the same rarity and charge a fee in an in-game token to get a new character. You can issue a limited number of invites per character; the limit depends on the character's rarity.

Skills: Learners have four basic skills for language learning: vocabulary, pronunciation, listening and grammar. Increase your NFT character skills by practicing these activities in the learning app. Improving your skills will give you more rewards and give you an edge in P2P.

XP: Every NFT character starts with lvl. Every time you learn and spend energy, your NFT character gains experience points (XP). Accumulate enough points and you will gain new levels of experience points and additional skill stats. For every 10 experience levels, characters will gain substantial rewards and new in-game abilities. When you buy or sell an NFT character, its experience level remains the same.

Learning Rate: This parameter shows the experience gained by the energy consumption of the NFT character. If you want to reach new XP levels quickly, choose a character that learns faster.

Energy: Each NFT character has 100 energy consumption. You can learn to convert energy points into token rewards and experience points. Energy gradually returns to 100 over 24 hours.

【LMS Reward Mechanism】

LStars are rewards for learning and earning through NFT characters. It can be instantly credited to your connected wallet after each learning experience. Now it seems that LMS adopts the NFT+ single-currency model, which is different from the dual-currency model of the general Gamefi.

The reward mechanism is mainly to exchange LStars token for USDC to benefit. You can also use them to create new NFT characters, upgrade existing characters and extend LMS visas (the difference in this game is that you buy NFTs that are not valid forever, he has a visa expiration date, you can't make money after it expires, unless you extend).

If you want to buy LStars or exchange LStars for USDC, you can Swap backed by a decentralized liquidity pool.

This form was compiled by netizen Xingren. credit to Xingren from twitter

【in conclusion】

The company said at the beginning of the game that there are more than 1 billion English learning populations in the world, which means that the market for English learning is huge. And how to provide incentives for people to learn English is indeed the key. Many people even pay tuition but are still too lazy to go to class. I feel that this English play 2 earn game has the opportunity to bring a new change.

As for whether this game will become as popular as STEPN, we may have to observe it. However, judging from the experience that a pair of shoes on STEPN can increase by more than 10 times and GST by 40 times last time, it seems that the potential of play2earn and socialFI cannot be underestimated!

For more information, refer to the official article: Economic Model: Learn and Make Money. 1.4 billion people are learning English. | Author: Letmespeak.org | Medium (medium.com)


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