

Zhong Meimei's Forbearance and Miao Kexin's Decision

Note: This article is reproduced from the WeChat public account: Zhang Jiang ladies

In the past two weeks, the names of two children have touched the hearts of countless Chinese people.

A student named Zhong Meimei , a second-year student in Hegang, Heilongjiang, took down all the videos imitating teachers because she was criticized by the local education department for being too negative.

Another was Miao Kexin, a fifth-grade student in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, who jumped to his death after being criticized by his teacher for being too negative in his composition.

Putting children like Zhong Meimei and Miao Kexin in any developed country is a genius. Zhong Meimei was born to be an actor who possessed a one-second drama, and Miao Kexin was born to be a writer who could see through the coldness of the world at a glance. But the two geniuses were defeated by the power of positive energy.

Zhong Meimei deconstructed this kind of obscenity in a way of laughter and scolding. After he deleted the video of imitating the teacher, he began to perform as a volunteer. He frequently gave interviews, saying that he also thought it was inappropriate to imitate the teacher too much. energy. But Miao Kexin chose to take a leap and say goodbye to this shameless, filthy, cold world.

One chose forbearance and the other chose decisiveness. In my eyes, they are all the most beautiful angels, and they are all people I admire very much.

I have neither the open-mindedness to endure nor the courage to decide, so I can only survive in this world. Yesterday I wrote Miao Kexin's article. The title originally meant "positive energy" that cannibalize people, but I was worried that the three words positive energy would hit a thunderbolt, so I changed it to "like" cannibalizing people .

I really admire my ability to castrate myself, as if it has penetrated deep into my bones, and I instinctively know what words are risky and what words are not risky without anyone giving orders. I'm so ashamed of me, I'm so ashamed of us adults who are alive and dead.

Miao Kexin actually had a more hateful sentence in that composition, but I found that no one from the media has quoted that sentence. I don't know whether it was because of fear that I chose to ignore it or I really didn't see it. I admit that I saw that sentence because the big cross was so obvious, but after reading that passage, I cringed a bit again.

You see, I don't even have the courage to type this sentence into words. When did I become so cowardly? When have my corners been ground so flat?

This may be a habit developed after repeated setbacks. I believe that if Miao Kexin hadn't jumped off the building, if the teacher continued to put a cross on her composition and added a comment of "transmitting positive energy", she would have disarmed and surrendered soon. Next time, she will write "Three Beats of White Bones After Intensive Reading" , she would probably write something like this:

This story shows us that justice may be late but not necessarily present.

When I look back on the first half of my life, is it the only time I have become so sophisticated, slick, and walking dead today? When I was young, did I also say what I thought in my heart like Miao Kexin and Zhong Meimei? Or was the world not as dirty as it is today when I was a kid?

I was a very introverted person when I was a child. In the circle of children, I belonged to the person who was often bullied and bullied. In the circle of adults, I belonged to the person who was often used as a negative model. I remember that when adults were together, they often said that I was too introverted and too honest. In the eyes of adults, an honest child and an introverted child will definitely not be able to get along in this society and will definitely suffer.

So there was a period of time when I was very low self-esteem. I wanted to change. I wanted to be able to talk like other people's children. Seeing strangers and seeing relatives, I would call my uncles and aunts endlessly, but I worked hard a few times. Found out that I couldn't, I couldn't pretend to be outgoing or pretend to be warm to everyone.

Later, I hated myself a bit. Why did I keep wanting to be someone else, but I didn't want to be yourself? Is it so humiliating for you to be yourself? I think Miao Kexin must be as confused as me when she sees the teacher's big cross. How can I write so imaginatively to transmit negative energy? If I am a person who transmits negative energy and I am a person who has no love for this world, why is my WeChat name "Jianjiang Aicitang" and my WeChat signature is "Always be a child, the world's most adorable"? ?

I've lived such an old age and I'm still struggling to understand it. How can you expect a fifth grader to understand?

The big fork looks like an executioner putting a knife on the neck of a passerby. Before the trial, he was sentenced to death and executed immediately. It was like a rapist strangling a child by the throat. Black American screaming for help while being cop's knee on neck, mom mom, I can't breathe. Miao Kexin should have felt the same way when she saw the big cross.

But no one heard her cry for help. Only by taking a deep leap can she reveal the cruelty of this world and the ugly faces of adults to the world.

Although I can't bear it, I respect Miao Kexin's choice. Although she is dead, she is still alive. What about me and us? Although alive, it feels dead.

I also hope that every one of us who is still alive and still has even the slightest remorse for this world can learn from Zhong Meimei, be as open-minded and optimistic as he is, and still laugh at Yun Qishi even after being criticized.

Either you fight like a warrior, or you see through the world like a sage.

And those parents, don't slap the board on teachers and schools all day long. If it is true that the school is the teacher who kills the child's nature, are you the silent accomplice? Who is working hard every day to provide housing in the school district? Who is the one who enrolls children in this training class and that training class every day?

Even if education is dead, is there no room for you to remedy it? The only thing you can do is not to let your children become five good students and four young people. The only thing you can do is to encourage your children to do what he likes. The only thing you can do is when someone tells your children that you will pass on positive energy in the future. Don't be angry, life is a cruel marathon, leaving the green hills without fear of running out of firewood.

If you are able, send your child out as soon as possible. If you are incapable, let your child learn English and see the bigger world. In short, don't drag your child to bury.


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