
最近忙些,不过虚拟世界还是太精彩!虽然比较少创作和参与但是心还是一样,一直都在。喜欢看好文章,也会支持废文章!觉得Matters是个充满宝藏的地方可以慢慢挖掘。最后还是希望大家繼續你拍我, 我拍你...

Are Telegarm Private Messages a Scam? Two Steps to Prevent You

Nine out of ten strangers in the virtual world will send you private messages with intentions.

Telegarm private messages to you are all scams? Is it true?

It is absolutely true! Nine times out of ten strangers in the virtual world will private message you are intentional.
It is absolutely true! Nine times out of ten strangers in the virtual world will private message you are intentional.
It is absolutely true! Nine times out of ten strangers in the virtual world will private message you are intentional.

The only thing you have to do is to directly block strangers outside the phonebook/contact list!
I started using Telegram a few years ago, and I also joined many groups, including software groups, funny groups, and no one privately messaged me, but when I started to join some virtual currency groups, I received group notifications one after another, which is not very troublesome!

How to stop these ulterior motives? Just a few steps!

[Privacy and Security] Settings
Just change all of the privacy to phonebook/contact list.
  1. Press [Privacy and Security] to set
  2. Just change all of the privacy to phonebook/contact list.

The voice needs to be paid, so there is no way to change it, but I believe those scammers will not really use voice to contact you.

If there are other methods, please speak up~! Let's guard against these deceitful groups together~!


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